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"No, Niall." I slipped my boots on and stood from the dinning table chair. "We all heard her cries and I felt her pain... something is wrong, and I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing."

"Harry, wait." He grabbed my arm before I could get out of the house and I growled loudly, baring my teeth at him. He immediately let my arm go, but stood in front of the door. "If she felt the pain you felt... where you felt it-"

"No." I said, pointing at his chest. "Don't say that. No, I won't believe that."

Niall looked torn, and sighed. "Harry, you said your neck was burning, then it stopped. I'm no expert, but that isn't exactly comforting."

I felt my eyes heat up and I shook my head, closing my eyes tightly and letting out a strange noise from my throat. I stomped up to the nearest cabinet in the kitchen and threw both my fists at it.

"Harry?" Liam's voice sounded from the doorway. "Where's Parker?"

"Both of you come with me now." I said lowly, a growl lacing throughout each word. I turned away from the completely ruined cabinet and glared at Niall. He put his hands up slight and stepped out of the way.

"Lets go." Liam said softly, knowing that the worst was just past the border of the woods. We all knew.


The three werewolves ran at super speed through the forest, towards the distinct smell of blood. Each recognized this certain type of blood though, something they hoped to never have to smell again.

After running for a few minutes, Harry, who was leading the trio, came to an abrupt stop near a large tree. A disconcertingly large pool of blood was at the base of it, but what got Harry's attention was the picture and the note stuck on the trunk of the tree.

He shifted back to human while Niall made Liam watched the surrounding area with careful eyes. Being that far out into the forest was beyond dangerous, on many different levels.

Harry approached the blood cautiously, crouching down and assessing how large it was, and exactly how much blood that was exactly. He knew it was Park's blood. He didn't need to smell twice.

He felt the familiar pang of terror set into his body as he stood back up and ripped the note and photo off the tree. He gasped as he stared at the picture of Park. Dead Park.

Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at the love of his life with two puncture holes in her pale neck. She way laying in the pool of blood, he's seen it enough to know what death looks like.

"No." Harry mumbled, tears falling from his eyes and down his cheeks. His lower lip started to tremble as he fell to the ground on his knees. "No!"

Niall and Liam both stared at Harry then the other before shifting. They both went up to him, and Niall placed a hand on his shoulder, crouching down next to him.

Neither really knew what to do as Harry clutched the photo close to his chest, crying. They have never had to deal with the loss of a mate so significant in their pack before. They both could feel the pain Harry was in. With each cry, it felt like someone is driving a knife through their chest.

"She's dead." Harry whimpered, dropping the photo and abruptly standing up. He unfolded the note with shaking hands. Before he read any of it, he wiped off his eyes as he saw Liam pick up the picture of his mate.


Parker is gone. You know that though. You can feel it. She is never going to come back to you. Her presence was all around you only moments ago, then when I drained her of all of her delicious blood, it vanished.

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now