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Even though I was wearing one of Harry's hoodies, I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth as I stood on the front porch, early in the morning. I watched with sad eyes as Ed closed the trunk door after placing the last of his and Ariel's bags in it.

He walked around the car as Ariel got in the passenger seat. We had all already said our goodbyes before they left the house, but I was still sad that they would be gone for God knows how long. I leaned forward onto the railing as he opened his door, and I frowned.

He looked back at me one last time and gave me a crooked smile before he got into his car. I smiled back the best I could as he drove off. I watched as the dust from the gravel driveway dissipated, and I leaned my head against the pillar next to me.

I just wanted to stand out here for a few more minutes. It was quiet, and I felt at peace outside. Even if my faerie is gone because of Stefan, I can still feel the connection I had with nature.

I sighed deeply when two hands were slowly wrapped around me, holding onto my hands on my arms. I leaned off the pillar and into Harry as he gently kissed the back of my neck, then the side of my neck.

"Good morning, love." He mumbled against the skin of my neck. I smiled and and leaned my body into his. I was immediately enveloped in heat and love. "I'm sorry you didn't go with them."

"I didn't want to." I said right after he stopped talking. "I don't want to be away from my family again."

I felt him smile. "Speaking of family," He turned me around in his arms and kissed my lips quickly, "why don't we get married today?"

"Today?" I almost choked on nothing as I stared into his captivating eyes. "You want to get married today?"

"Why not?" He said confidently, gripping my arms. He pulled me forward and kissed me again. "I mean it, let's go to the courthouse today and just do it."

"But, Harry, my siblings literally just left moments ago. I know my family is here, but they're my brother and sister."

"Well I knew you were going to say that, love, and I planned ahead." Harry spun me back around and covered my eyes with his hand. I made a noise of anger as he wrapped his free arm around my body. "I know you've been wondering where he's been since you've gotten back, and each of us has been telling you that's he's fine, but we haven't been telling you the complete truth."

I felt my heart stop beating for a second. "Nathan?" I whispered. Harry began to walk, taking me with him. He lifted me up, and I knew he was walking down the stairs of the porch.

The first hour I was back here, I wanted to see my brother, but everyone told me he wasn't around, but that he was alive and fine. I asked everyone where he was and what he was doing, but they told me the same thing each time. So I stopped asking, because I knew it was fruitless to after asking over and over again.

When Harry put me back on the ground, I knew we were in the forest. I smiled when he kissed my nose, and he turned me around again. He held me securely, but his hands left my body and I open my eyes when I couldn't smell him as strongly anymore.

I looked around me for a moment, then it hit me. The smell of burning wood, rain, and the familiar cologne that I've smelt for years. I felt my eyes water as I turned my head to my left. I smiled and put my hand over my mouth as he emerged from around a tree. I make a noise of exclamation as I moved forward quickly.

His scent was all that my brain registered as his arms wrapped around me. I let off a small cry as I held onto his shirt with all I had. "Nathan."

He held me tightly as he inhaled my scent, his body physically relaxed and he sighed audibly as his face went into my shoulder. His hands gripped my shoulder and side with a string force, enough to sting slightly, but not enough to leave a mark or hurt. I held him back with the same amount of force.

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now