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A little smut.


Stefan fell silent as I glared at him, my arms crossing over my chest as he realized I was right. He'd gone and done something reckless to see if my old pack had followed us here, and he came home with so many injuries from running into another territorial vampire, which had led to a long argument about having me go with him next time.

It was like the world slowed as he stormed his way over to where I was stood, gripping my face tightly as he kissed me, all the pent up worry and anger pouring through the kiss. Stef's hands found my waist as he deepened the kiss, lifting me off my feet as he crossed our new bedroom, towards the bed.

I felt all the anger be replaced by excitement as he slammed me down on the bed. I heard a loud snap from under me, but neither of us payed attention to it. The only sound in the room after that was clothes being ripped and our heavy breathing as we moved together.

I'd never seen Stefan like this, and wow, I had to say it was pretty hot. His mouth sucked quickly, creating small bruises down my jaw and neck. His first thrust into me was met with another snap and soon his pace had the bed literally breaking underneath us, but he simply moved me up against the wall, the head board splintering and cracking as he kept up his amazing pace.

"Stefan... oh god." I whimpered out as he bit down on to my collar bone, drawing blood. He sucked on the small wound, making me moan out. At the sound of my pleasure, he thrust deeper into me, making me moan louder as I dug my nails into his back.

"I thought you were angry with me." Stefan muttered as he licked up the rest of the small drops of my blood. He kissed his way back up to my lips. I didn't answer him, and he trusted into me harshly, making me yell out. At the force of it, the bed finally gave way. That didn't stop Stefan though. He simply stood, still deep inside me.

"Yes but that doesn't change the fact that I was incredibly worried about you." I gasped against his lips as he moved us both onto the small couch in the corner. He sat down and slammed me down into him, my hands placing themselves on his chest as I moaned out.

His hands guided my hips as I rode him until the couch broke from under us as well, both of us laughing as we continued, not caring about the carnage of the bedroom. Soon every touch and kiss Stefan lay on my skin helped the swirl of heat between my hips grow and it didn't take long for me to be moaning and gasping as my orgasm hit. He flipped us over on the pieces of couch and continued to thrust into me, dragging out my orgasm with his intense pace.

"We should argue more often." Stefan gasped as I felt him release inside me. He moaned as he trusted a few more times, then dropped down to rest on his arms as he kissed my forehead lovingly.

"We'd need a new bed every time. You might be a billionaire Stef, but with the pace we're at, you would go broke in weeks." I giggled while he smiled down at me.

"Or just a room that can survive our steamy vampire sex." Stef muttered while winking. He kissed both my cheeks, then the tip of my nose, then my lips quickly.

"We would have to reenforce everything with steel, Stef."

"Small price to pay if I get to make love to you like that everyday." Stefan said in acknowledgment as he stood from the broken couch we were laid on.

I watched him grab our clothes off the ground, kicking away pieces from the bed and chair as he walked back to me. He held his free hand down to me and pulled me up with an easy yank of my arm.

I kissed his cheek as he handed me my clothes, and we dressed quickly. I tossed my hair into a messy bun as Stefan ran his fingers through his. He pinched my side before opening the bedroom door, motioning for me to go first.

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now