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She left.

She's gone.

She left Nathan and I alone, with these ancient beings that could kill us by thinking it!

I felt Nathan's hand tighten around my own as the five looked at each other. They all stared with a great amount of intensity, and I only imagined that they were communicating, similar to how werewolves can.

Suddenly, the one in the black cloak was in front in Nate, and I felt his hand release mine.


I scrambled up from my seat and prepared to attack him, but someone froze me in my place. The angel.

I tried my best to break out of it, because I was an angel too, but nothing would work. I watched in silence and horror as Nate was being choked by the demon.

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I tried to move. Why aren't they stopping him!? We clearly don't know anything, we were just as shocked as them!

"Let me go! Stop choking him, he'll die!!" I cried out as Nate started to fight back less.

I can't lose him, he's my brother, my best friend. He helped me when I would've most likely been killed, or worse-my kids would've been killed.

I cried out again, and this time Demetri let him go, and he fell to the ground in a limp pile. Saffron, the angel, let me go at the same time, and I fell next to him, putting his head in my lap and checking his neck.

It was red, and looked to have small lines of black going up towards his face, and down towards his chest. I wiped my tears as I looked up at the five watching me intensely.

"You five have no hearts," I sneered, "we obviously have no idea what happened! Our mother just admitted to committing the greatest crime ever, and vanished!! How do you think we feel knowing that our mother just abandoned us? Pretty fucking horrible."

The one with the brown hair, the faerie, Delilah, took a small step forward and looked at me sadly.

"We are sorry Parker. We were only thinking in the moment, not of the different outcomes this could've had. We sincerely apologize." She gave me a soft smile, and motioned down a well lit hallway, "I can take you to a room that will accommodate you and your brother, so you can stay close."

I stared at her with yellow clouding my vision. She didn't seem to be phased my the increasing of intensity the color held. The vampire, Graysen, stepped forward and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Del," he said in a whisper. He's probably referring to the fact that I could snap at any second, but in not going to show any more weakness in front of these things.

"You don't have to worry, lover boy. What door?" I asked. I stood slowly, looking down at Nate.

"I will gladly take you, Parker, if you want."

I concentrated on lifting him, knowing very well that I could, because of my powers.

And that's exactly what happened.

A light gold dust formed around him, and lifted him about four feet off the ground. I triumphantly looked at the five and shook my head, "I think I'm quite alright. What door?"

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now