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I ran my knuckles down her cheek, smiling as she looked me in my eyes, terrified. "Now sweetheart, I need you to sit right in this chair," I pushed her down by her shoulders and made her sit, "and stay quiet until I say."

"I'll sit in this chair and stay quiet." She nodded her head and looked straight forward, becoming static.

"Very good." I said turning away from her and seeing James looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest. "Yes? Is there a problem?"

"You know Stefan, I get why you're doing this, but I don't understand why you're doing this?" He shook his head and glanced at the college girl I picked up a few minutes ago. I knew he wasn't talking about her though.

"James, all in good time." I put both my hands on his shoulders and shook him slightly. "Trust me when I say that this'll be worth all of the trouble we've been through these past few years."

He looked me in my eyes and slowly nodded his head. "Alright. I trust you Stefan."

"Glad." I released him and turned to our liquor bar. I motioned if he wanted a drink, and he nodded his head. "Would anyone else want one?"

I turned my head to the right as Jacob and Cole walked into the room, Cole shaking his head while chucking. "Come on man, how do you always know when we're listening?"

"Nothin slips past me anymore, Cole." I poured four glasses of whiskey. When we all had one in our hands I took a deep breath, "Well," I lifted my glass into the air and looked to my three best mates, "here's to being a step ahead."


"Hell yeah."


We all drank, and when I lowered my glass, I heard the sound of a bed upstairs creaking. I looked towards the stairs, and placed my glass down. I flashed up the staircase and into my bedroom.

Cyra didn't move an inch, and continued mumbling the chant under her breath. When I took a step forward, her eyes snapped open and she turned her head to look at me. I suddenly flew backwards into the wall, and she glared at me. "You are not to touch her, Stefan."

I groaned as I pushed myself off the wall when she looked away and closed her eyes again. I brushed my jacket off and glared at the back of her head.

She laughed lightly and turned around again to look at me. "You know, I don't have to be doing this, Stefan."

"You owe me, Cyra." I smirked, taking a step forward and crossing my arms over my chest. She gave me a look and rolled her eyes. She turned back towards the bed and said a few more witch words. "How is old Reggie? Still kicking it?"

"Reginald is fine, Stefan." Cyra said in a chipped tone. "You don't have to remind me that you saved his life every time we see each other, do you? It's getting a little old."

"Oh but that's the fun part, Cy!" I said, smiling. "Always happy to help an old friend with their forbidden romance. What does the council say about an already forbidden witch with a demon?" I saw her stiffen. "Don't worry, I won't tell your little secret to anyone. What kind of friend would I be?"

"A blackmailing one." She said, an undertone of anger in her voice. I was about to respond when, "No more talking." She took a deep breath and the candles in the room lit on fire. "I'm almost done."

I looked around my bedroom skeptically as the flames rose higher and higher as Cyra began to mumble under her breath again. I turned to look at the door as it slammed closed behind me, and raised my eyebrows. "This is a little too witchy for me, Cyra."

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now