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After the whole Zayn and Perrie incident, everyone has been on edge. It's been a month, and the tension in the house was thick. No one talked about what happened.

Emma and Nolan were growing up fast, already two months. They cried almost every night now, and I was exhausted. Harry sleeps like a rock, so he never wakes to calm them down. Even if he does, they always start up again a few minutes after.

I've been learning how to use all my powers with the help of Azalia and Nolan. Azalia was helping me with the demon aspect, and Nolan tried to help me the best he could with the angel and faerie parts. I was mainly on my own with those two though.

Alisa was still in heaven, doing who knows what. None of us have heard from her, and I was kind of expecting her to come back when I got bit by Stefan. She didn't though.

Other than going in the backyard, and sometimes the woods to practice my powers, I didn't really leave the house. Nate didn't either. He seemed really depressed all the time, and everyone knew why. I was upset too, but I hid it well.

Our entire family is gone. Our sisters, our mother, gone.

I tired not to think too much about it, but how could I not? While I tried to take on one of the strongest vampires ever, my sisters were killed. As I was being tricked by him, they were dead.

I moved those thoughts amout of my head and focused on what Azalia was telling me.

"So Nolan will be our test dummy for this one. Try to posses him. It might be hard, it took me a while to get it right. All you have to do is look at him and imagine yourself as you were looking from his eyes-"

Nolan suddenly gasped, and his eyes turned a violent shade of red. I narrowed my eyes as I faught to get into his mind.

She said a few days ago that getting into a vampires mind was one of the hardest things to do, because they weren't technically alive.

He shook violently and let off an inhuman growl as he held his head.

Azalia looked at me with her mouth agape as Nolan stopped fighting.

"No way!" She loudly exclaimed, getting very excited.

I was in control of Nolan.

"What do I do now?" I asked, glancing at Azalia, but keeping my main focus on Nolan.

"Whatever you want! You're controlling him!" She sounded do happy, and impressed.

I smirked a little as I made Nolan walk up to the pools edge. He hated getting his hair wet, and he hated the smell of chlorine even more than that.

Azalia started to laugh when I made him jump in, and I felt the control slip away from me as I released him.

"What the hell!?" He screeched coming above the water. He climbed out, looking super pissed, and stared at his sister, who was dying of laughter. "Did you do that?"

I smiled triumphantly and raised my hand slightly, catching his attention, "Actually, I did."

All anger left his face, and he stated at me for a second. "No way!! Park that's amazing!"

He flashed up to me, and picked me up, spinning. I laughed, and suddenly I was soaking wet, and in the pool.

"You jerk!" I yelled, moving my hair out of my face. I glared at him, and he realized what I was going to do.

"No! No wait, I'm sorr-"

I got into his mind and made him jump back into the pool. When he came up, he looked at me with his eyes narrowed.

Survive | third book in Found Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now