Unfortunate Events

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Logan and I went to the mall. It was more of a shopping center with restaurants and a movie theater

but it was really fun. We went to the movies and saw a really good indie movie. We both loved it and were talking about it while walking around at the mall. 

"I think Will was a much better guy than Marco. Really." I stated.

"No, Marco was so much better.." Logan laughed. 

"Oh, you think you would know?" I laughed. "I would have chose Will over Marco any day if I was in that girls' situation." 

"I can't say the same as you." Logan said. 

"Whatever, Lerman." I laughed. 

"Hey, there's Nobu. The sushi place I was telling you about. Do you want to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. I promised, remember?" I said as we headed inside.

"I remember." He smiled and looked down at me.


"You use the chopsticks like this..." Logan said as he held my hand in his, guiding mine. I- or we managed to pick up the sushi roll and I tried to put it in my mouth. I got it and smiled. 

"Yes!" I laughed and so did Logan. His eyes sparkled and looked down into mine. I kissed his cheek and he returned the favor by kissing my forehead. I looked up into his eyes and then he put his index and middle finger under my chin while leaning down and kissing me softly. I kissed him again once he pulled away. We soon finished our food and exited the restaurant. His hand brushed against mine and I slid my hand into his grip softly. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him and smiled. We were passing a store a girl waved. I didn't recognize her and just assumed she was a fan waving at Logan. 

"Hey... Alexa." He said awkwardly. He let go of my hand to give her a quick hug. He was obviously forcing a smile. 

"So... who's this?" She asked him, scanning my over. I already didn't like this girl.

"This is my girlfriend, Hope." He smiled wrapping his arm around my waist, drawing small circles on my lower back with his thumb. 

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I fake smiled and shook her hand. 

"Your a very lucky b-... girl, you know." She said raising an eyebrow. "Logan and I used to date a while back. Unfortunately... things had to end. Right, Logie?" She giggled, bating her fake eyelashes. I'm not going to lie. This girl looked like a total slut. Wearing shorts with half her butt showing, and a very low cut top. And by low... I mean low low.

"Hmm. How unfortunate I guess." I fake laughed.

"Um, Alexa. We need to go. There's somewhere we need to be." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist again. I smiled and we both turned around and walked away. This was going to be an awkward conversation...

"Sorry about her." Logan said nervously. "She's a problem." He added.

"No, no. It's not your fault." I said. "She's obviously the problem." 

He laughed lightly. 

"So, when did you guys go out?" I asked while staring at my feet while we walked. 

"About a year and a half ago we broke up." He said.

"Were you...serious?" I asked.

"No. We knew each other since we were kids. It's a long long story." He raised his eyebrows up high. 

"Oh, okay." I said, relieved. I can't even imagine him with that brat. I was curious to ask more questions but I resisted, not wanting to start anything.

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