Awkward Talks

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Awkward talks

Logan's POV

I woke up after a long nap in my trailer and checked my phone. Shooting for the next scene is at 2:00, it's 1:30. I should call Hope. I dialed the number and it rung, and rung, and rung. 

"Hello?" her sweet voice asked. She must have just woken up. She sounded tired.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Logan! I miss you so much." She said. I could hear the smile in her voice.

I chuckled. "I know, I miss you even more." She laughed and then started to talk again.

"So how's filming?" she asked, her voice getting serious.

"It's good. The cast is really nice." I replied.

"Yeah, I miss you so much. I can't tell you enough." She let out a small laugh and waited for my reply.

"I know, maybe after you graduate I can fly you over here." I suggested.

"Yes! That sounds perfect." She cheered.

"Okay, well I have to go I'm sorry..."I said, "I will definitely call you later."

"Okay, I'll talk to you then."She said. "Miss you. Bye."

"I miss you too, bye." She hung up. I slipped my phone into my back pocket swiftly, and started walking towards the door of my trailer. My mirror was right by the opening to the trailer so I took a quick glance at myself before walking out. My hand gripped the handle and I stepped down onto the pavement. 

"Hey!" a peppy voice called. A hand rested on my shoulder and a pair of eyes suddenly came clear to me.

"Oh, hey! It's so bright out here today." I said, while squinting, secretly avoiding eye contact. She literally did this to me everyday, 'running' into me just outside of my trailer. 

"Ready for the big scene today?" she asked, with a huge smile on her face.

"What...oh yeah. I forgot about that." I said, rubbing the back of my head. I might have gotten a little too much sleep from that nap. 

"Don't worry, it won't be too awkward. You've kissed so many other girls." She let out a loud giggle. "And so have I." she said, turning her head to look at me. My eyes met hers and I made my lips form into a small smile.

"Can't wait." She whispered and kissed my cheek. I played it off like nothing happened. "Hey, Kristen!" She called out. "Bell!" She attempted to get her attention by using her last name... it worked.

"Hi!" she replied and the rest of their conversation dulled out from the distance that I was at. That kiss on the cheek surprised me. It was really awkward, to be honest. 

"Logan, come on!" Mark, the director called out to me. My walk turned into a jog until I reached the set.


Hope's POV

Three mugs made a clink sound as I set them on the counter. The light on the coffee machine blinked, and I took the pot and poured the coffee equally between the three cups. I turned my head around as Marley and Danielle came in from the stairs. 

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." Dani sang, being her happy self and sat down on one of the stools by the countertop.

"Morning." Marley groaned and rubbed both of her eyes. 

"Here. Coffee supposedly helps hangovers." I laughed lightly and slid the mug towards her. "Can we talk? About last night."

"Uh, sure. I don't really remember much other than going to a party and dancing...and yeah thats pretty much I guess." She said, yawning. Her hands slid around the mug and she brought it up to her mouth, taking a sip.

"Well, you almost hooked up with Cade." I said and pressed my lips into a firm line. "I found you and stopped it. You both were extremely drunk." 

Her eyes went wide and she shook her head, disapprovingly. "What?! No I couldn't have...I remember seeing him and then nothing else." 

Dani opened her mouth like she had to say something, but then stopped. 

"Um, yeah. That's what happened..." I took a long sip of my coffee to try and fill the awkward silence. 

"Wow. Uh, I think I'm gonna go home. I need some time to think to myself." Marley said, running up the stairs and grabbing her stuff probably. 

"So..." Danielle said softly.

"Hm. I have no idea what else to say. She better not be angry at me, I had to tell her."

"I agree." she smiled and turned her head towards the staircase. 

"Thank you for telling me." Marley blurted out and walked towards the front door. I heard the door open and then close shut.

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