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We finished our dinner and all ate a slice of chocolate cake for dessert. I was full as ever. As we rose up to leave, I pushed my chair back and accidentally bumped into a tall man. 

"Sorry. Oh god. I'm sorry." he said as he held me up by my arms. I had slipped.

"It's fine. I'm Okay." I said, looking up at him. His blue eyes and his light brown hair made him look exactly like Cameron. I froze for a second and thought about his face. His eyes, his lips. He resembled Cameron so much it was scary.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. You look really startled." He said, his hands still on my shoulders.

"Yeah. Yeah... you just really remind me like somebody else I knew." I smiled and blinked for the first time in about 30 seconds. 

He laughed. "Interesting." He smiled. "I'm Cade." 

"Hope." I said.

"Would you like to meet again sometime? You know, by not bumping into each other. I owe you." He bit his bottom lip and grinned.

"I'm sorry. I- I have a boyfriend. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." I gave him a soft smile.

"Oh. It's fine, I understand." he ran his hand through his hair- just like Logan always does. "Hopefully we run into each other again." He smiled and walked away, taking a seat at his table.


It's been two weeks since I ran into Cade at the restaurant. Not to mention seeing that brat, Alexa too. Logan and I have been together a lot more lately. We've become more serious and went out in public. Surprisingly, the fans took it really well. Not much hate was thrown at me through twitter so I was fine. This was all just a little too good to be true though- I really wanted to tell Logan about Cameron. It was a way to explain why I was so emotional at Starbucks that one day. I just never found the time to spill. 

Logan came to pick me up. I didn't know exactly where we were going since he said it was a surprise. I was dressed in a pair of high waisted black shorts, a floral bustier top, and a tan cardigan. I slipped my combat boots on right before I walked out the door and also grabbed my phone. I locked the front door and turned around. Logan suddenly pulled me close to him by my waist and kissed me.

"Why, hello to you to." I laughed. "You're in a good mood." I said as he released me from his grip. 

"Yes I am." he laughed.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." 

"Can you give me a hint?" I said.

"Well... you're going to love it." He laughed. 

"Okay!" I laughed with him and turned the radio on. The sound hit my ears and i froze. It was the song. Cameron and I's song. Stereo Hearts was playing and I quickly changed the station.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked, wrapping his hand around mine. We reached a stoplight and he glanced over at me. "Hope... is there something you need to tell me? Every once and a while you act sad and It makes me worried." He finished.

"Well... I've been waiting for the right time to tell you. It's something that happened before We met. My -" A car honked behind us and Logan started driving again. "Can I just tell you later? I don't want to ruin this day, Logan."   

"Whatever makes you comfortable." He said squeezing my hand gently and giving me a soft smile. 

"Thank you." I said. "I promise I'll tell you soon. At the right moment." I said and we continued driving to where ever our destination was.

Fixing You (A Logan Lerman Fanfiction) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now