"I Love You."

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Hope's POV

I tapped my pencil on my desk and rested my head on one of my hands. I swear, math is the most boring class ever. Its one of the last days of school and my math teacher is still making us learn stuff. Soon enough, the bell rang. The hallways were crowded and i was pretty happy to get out of that class. I finally reached second period and remembered the girl I met this morning had this class too. She walked in a little after we had settled and the seat next to me was open...so I offered to let her sit there. We basically talked most of the time since my teacher didn't find a point of teaching with only four days left. 

"So, why did you decide to come here this late in the year...not to mention senior year?" I asked Leann with a small laugh.

"My dad got a job here and theres some dumb rule that I have to go to school even if there's a couple of days left. I'm a  junior though, I just have a couple of senior classes." she replied. 

"That makes sense." I laughed lightly. A few silent seconds when by. You know when in class everyone's talking and then it gets quiet for a second. That's exactly what happened. "So, uh, where did you used to live?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. 

"New York City." she answered with a smile. 

I've always wanted to live in the city ever since I visited last summer with Cameron. We visited everywhere. And we went to that art museum, the MOMA, because he was a big art nerd. My lips curved into a small smile thinking about it. I remember just feeling so alive and comfortable there...maybe it was because I was with him. God, I miss him so much. Even though I'm with Logan I would still love to just have Cam as a great guy friend. As long as he was still here I would be fine. 

"Hope?" I snapped back into reality and saw Leann waving her hand in front of me. 

"Sorry! I'm out of it today." I smiled and turned my head to look at the door when it suddenly opened.

There was a small boy, probably a freshman, holding a huge bouquet of flowers...I couldn't even see his face it was covering him so much. "Uh, I have a delivery for Hope..." His voice said, muffled from the flowers in front of his face. 

"Oh." I said curiously and walked to the front of the classroom. A few people said their 'ooh' s and whispers like 'I wonder who sent her those." I just ignored them and finally reached the front of the room, wrapped my hands around the stem of the bouquet and took the flowers out of the boy's hands. "Thank you!" I said with a smile. He blushed a little and left the room. 

I brought the flowers back to my desk and saw that their was a little letter attached. My eyes glanced down and started to trail the words. 

Dear Hope, 

You don't even know how much I miss you. But I'll be there soon. For your graduation and I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go back to film. I can't wait to see you. 


This sounds cliche but my heart fluttered faster than usual and my stomach got butterflies. I closed the letter and smelled the flowers. I probably looked like a cartoon character but at the moment I honestly did not care at all. He was honestly so perfect. I couldn't ask for anything better than this. 

Next class, I got a rose delivered by another student. The same thing happened in every class until the end of the day. Since I'm a senior, I have my last class off so I just leave after 6th period while most people stay until after 7th period. 

I walked to my locker and entered my combination. As the dark blue door opened, I watched tons of rose petals fall onto the ground. I was shocked and lifted my head back up after what seemed like ages of the red petals falling. My hands moved away from where they were cupped around my mouth. I closed my locker and turned around, noticing a trail of the same red petals going around the corner of the hall. My footsteps were staggered...moving slowly, nearing the sharp corner of the wall. I finally reached it and made a turn to the right and looked up. At the end of that hall both of the glass doors were open, leading out into the courtyard. 

My heart had a beat that was a little faster than steady. It was indescribable. Almost like when you're waiting in line for a roller coaster, or when someone surprises you. For some reason it felt very familiar to me. The wind was blowing vigorously and I tucked my hair behind my ears. The weather was just starting to change into that nice summery climate. With a great breeze and a warm temperature. The gust of wind finally stopped and I heard footsteps nearing. I looked to the left, then to the right and my eyes stopped. They locked on him and I saw the corners of his lips curve into a huge smile. I felt my lips do the exact same. My walk became a run and he opened his arms, holding a bouquet of roses in one hand. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms held my waist. His bright blue eyes bored into mine and I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I looked up at him. 

"You don't know how much I missed you." I stated, sniffling and smiling even bigger. 

"Trust me...I've missed you like crazy. I haven't seen you in so damn long." He replied, and crashed his lips with mine. I missed this. I missed his lips and the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly. We both pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. 

"I love you." He whispered. 

"I love you too." I whispered back, and leaned back in for one more kiss.

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