What the hell happened part2

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Dr.Green's POV
When I found out that they could not find pookie I knew something was seriously wrong. I knew I was right when north said be prepared. But when they came in she was all bloody and all I can think is what the hell happened. She was only in grade room for who knows how long like that. The worst part is that no one most likely did nothing to stop the attack. I start cleaning her face up to see the damage. Thankfully it's not to serve. Most of the blood was from the nose and mouth. My poor pookie who would do this to you. When they asked why she isn't waking up I say because of the pain she is now exhausted from trying to protect herself. I'm really pissed off with this fucking school. It's one thing to see a fight but to not stop when the person is handicapped really makes me mad she had no way to defend herself and they used it against her. I tell Owen we are getting her out of that fucking class and in with one of the boys or us. I don't give a fuck what but she is not going back got it. Now will you excuse me I need to make sure her stitches are not open and make sure she's okay. Owen you better handle her teacher or I'll will and it won't be pretty. I slam the door to the nurses office shut.
Mr.Blackbourne's POV
I am completely shocked by Sean's outburst. I see I'm not the only one who is shocked. I also see some of my brothers feel the same way. Oh why did this have to happen to this poor girl. I'm extremely pissed off at this god damn school you have a kid that is handicap but you let kids fucking attack them because they are easy prey to go after. I am so gonna make the kids who are responsible pay for what they have done and the teacher for letting it happen. But my mine focus is miss.sang. I hope she wakes up soon because I know north and some of my other brothers as well as my self are ready to explode.
Gabriel's POV
Fuck who would to this to my fucking trouble. Who would just leave her there in that state as well. I knew this school was shit but I didn't realize how sick and twisted it was. Why would you attack a defenseless girl who hasn't done anything to them I know it she never really talked or had friends I know that for a fucking fact. Why would you go after someone and leave them there. Where was the fucking teacher did she even try to stop it no she let it go on. I will help kill who ever hurt my trouble because she didn't deserve it at . I'm so angry it's not even funny. I feel like north. Which is saying a lot in itself.
Silas Pov
Who would do this to my aggele mou. When I saw her laying there I just wanted to get sick. Who the hell will do that to such a sweet little girl. Who ever did it is just a coward. Why wouldn't you pick on someone who actually had a chance at defending themselves. I want to kill whoever hurt her. I will even join in with doc. I do not give a fuck they shouldn't have done that to aggele mou. I can see most of my brothers are willing to join in as well. I never saw doc that pissed off before and it's kinda scary. God I hope she is okay.
Kota's Pov
Nathan's Pov
I want to kill whoever did this to my peanut. Wait when did I come up with that. Bad Nathan now is not the time to be thinking this peanut needs you. Oh that reminds me I am so going to kill the person to did this to her. I'm going to so going to help doc and I can tell I'm not the only one who feels like that too. I got to say I never seen doc this worked up before.
Luke's Pov
Who the fuck will let someone do that to a handicap person. She had no way of even calling for help. Who fucking knew how long she had to lay there. I am so helping with killing that fucking bastard who did this to her. She is so sweet and kind that I can't even believe someone would do this to her. I go back in to her right after doc. Mr.B better handle this or my brothers and I will. And it won't be pretty. I can already tell.
Victor's Pov
Who will hurt my princess and just leave her there. Why go after her instead of someone who could at least try and stand there ground. You want to know what they are they are fucking cowards. I will get princess her payback for her since she is too sweet. Who the hell in their right mind let this happen and leave her there. She better be okay or they are so dead. Oh now I'm sounding like north. Never thought ill say that. Now not the time to think that princess needs us. I am so shocked at docs outburst that it takes me a couple minutes to snap out of it. I go back in there to see if docs needs any help but when I get in there am completely shocked that princess is awake.

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