no please don't go

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Sangs Pov
I am running trying to get out of the house. There is fire every where and I am the only one in the house. Where are they I thought. I run to the window and climb out. Ow, ow, ow. The fire is burning me. I need to get away from here. I look down to see how high of a jump it is not so far. Sang you can do this. I jump and roll to land on my feet. Good thing my grand school teacher taught us how to fall. I am shaken awake. I open my eyes to see Dr.Robert and North looking at me in concerned. They ask me if I was okay because I was crying and shaking in my sleep. I shrug my shoulders. Norths ask if it was another nightmare. I shake my head yes. He says I'm here your safe while hugging me.
Norths Pov
I go to check on sang baby. When I see her shaking and silently crying. I try waking her up but it won't work. I go to get Dr.Robert because we are at his house. Why isn't she waking up. I finally get her to wake up. She looks confused and scared. My first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. I ask her if it was another nightmare. I hear Dr.Robert ask if this happens regularly. She writes down depends on your definition of regularly. So he says everyday. She says depends on how tired she is so everyday. God no wonder she always look like shit. Dr.Robert and I share a look. I say it's okay your safe. I say do you want to talk about it? She nods her head yes. She writes down that it was a past memory of my mom setting the house on fire with me in it. I don't even know what to say that. What a crazy ass bitch. I say your safe you never going back. I stay when I think she's asleep I up to leave but she starts freaking out saying please don't go, please. I say of course baby anything for you. Shh it's okay go back to sleep. I tell Dr.Robert to go back to sleep I got her. He ask if I'm sure I nod my head. He nods and leave.
Dr.Robert Pov
When north said she was shaking and crying in her sleep, won't wake up I immediately jump up and run to her room. After another ten minutes she finally awake. She writes down nightmare. I ask her how often she gets it. She says everyday. That is a lot. We wait until she falls asleep to go but she is apparently is having none of that. North says to me he will stay with her. I ask just to be sure. He nods his head. I go and call Sean to tell him of the latest nightmare. We need to get her help. It's not healthy to not sleep. Then again I don't blame her for being afraid to sleep. She probably afraid of the nightmares and of being attacked by her mother while she sleeps. Damn it she shouldn't have to go through that. She is a amazingly sweet girl.

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