another week in hell with little light 2

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Kota's Pov
I was so relieved to know she was okay but with everything she tells us makes me want to kill the people who hurt her. And when she writes down that we are the best thing to happen to I cry. How would you be able to survive and keep positive about things. I thought we have been through hell but I was wrong she's been through more then us. It amazes me how happy she is even though her life sucks. I would have gave up a while ago. I feel horrible but she is the one who should be thanked not us we haven't done anything. I see Victor walk out I look at Luke who is just holding her. God she is so beautiful and sweet. I walk over and kiss her head and whisper you don't have to thank us at all. I turn to see all our other brothers walk in trying to gain their composure. I check for see if they are okay they just nod. She lets go of Luke and she writes down I think it's time for home room we can finish this later if you guys want us to. We all nod our heads.
Norths Pov
I knew I wasn't going to like her answer. Sure enough I didn't. I walk outside and start hitting the wall. How bad are we talking about and how can she act like it no fucking big deal. Why has no one stop it. When Victor comes out sobbing I knew things are about to get worst. I ask him and when he tells me what she said I start crying as well. She had no one for years now. Now we came here and she is so happy. I think how can you be happy when everyone try and hurt you and no one stops it. She had no friends. And she thought if she kept believing that she'll get something good to look forward to. That's just sad. I wouldn't have been able to survive with out my brothers help. But she had no one. I took that for granted so many times. God why does this have to happen to her. This is so fucked up its like her against the world. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt like that because that's what it looks like.
Luke's Pov
I look around to see everyone thinking the same thing. How can she forgive those people I can she it in her eyes that she's not mad at anyone or upset at what happens to her because she has us. I just want to protect her and I know I can't because she won't let us I know because the look she gives me says it all. I feel her let go and write we need to get to homeroom and I just laugh. I whisper in her ear really we were having a moment. She writes down really she can't afford to miss anymore classes. I say you wound me cupcake you wound me. She smiles and say "yay" I win. I laugh I love that smile. When everyone reads what she wrote they all say good job. I say oh I see how it is. They are like I don't want to go against her she's scary she wounded you already. I laugh saying traitors. She starts laughing there's no sound so at first we think she's crying but actually laughing which makes everyone else laugh as well. Kota then says it time to leave. I get behind cupcake and start pushing her while she waves goodbye to the rest of my brothers. North opens the door for us. North and I have a silent conversation about how strong she is.
Sangs Pov
The rest of the day went okay asides from some hate notes or sexual notes it was fine. It's finally gym class. I promise I'll go to Mr.Blackbourne and Dr.Green's office after school. I see Gabriel and Nathan are in the same gym class as me. I wave to them and they wave back. I go to my spot where they always put me and wait. I just basically sit there and do nothing. This is the third year they put me in gym. At the end of the period I head out to dr. Green's and Mr.blackbournes office. I get there and see most of them already here. Gabriel and Nathan are the last to arrive. Mr.Blackbourne asks me how was gym and I say boring I just sit there but once we get into basketball and stuff I like that I can join which starts tomorrow so I actually get to do something. He nods his head. He then ask me what I had gone through in the past so I just but it in a list and hand to him. I say I have to go and say goodbye to them and I'll see them tomorrow. When I get home I'm exhausted but I have homework and chores to do. After I'm finished everything my mom comes out and punishes me for not being finished faster and that I am making Marie starve herself because dinner wasn't ready by the right time. I take it and crawl up the stairs to take a bath and the water is cold I pull myself out and get dressed then go to sleep.
Mr.Blackbourne Pov
When I read what she's been through I just want to throw up. Most of the things on here should've killed her but she lived. It amazes me how trust worthy she is to us. I mean I wouldn't be trust anyone if I was her. How she is able to smile and laugh still is amazing I would have thought she was a goner by now but not her. We need a meeting because I can tell everyone are developing feelings for her I mean even me.

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