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I am back in my mothers house being beaten because I did something wrong like usual. She is carving words in my back. I am pleading with her to stop before she took my voice. I am trying to get away but my sister Marie wouldn't move out of the way. Marie then holds me down so I can't move. I ask why are you doing this to me? What did I do I'll fix it I promise. Please stop. My father walks in and doesn't even look this way. I am shaken awake by someone. I open my eyes to see a very worried Victor. I look around to see it was just that it was just the two of us. He says are you okay you were okay? I just start to cry. It felt so real I could feel every letter or kick or punch she gave me. Victor just walks over and hugs me.


Victor's POV

I walk in to check on princess. When I saw here there shaking I short of panic. I started shaking her say her name to get her to wake up. When she wakes up she starts to cry I hug her saying it's okay. She then writes down I had a nightmare. I ask do you want to talk she writes down it felt so real like she was back at her house and her mother was beating her and carving words into her back while Marie helped. The dad did nothing to stop it. She said she use to be able to talk but her mother took it away with lemon juice and vinegar with glass on it for years. I hold her saying your safe you are never going back. Shh, I got you princess. We will protect you okay we won't let nothing happen to you. I pull my phone out and text North and Silas to come up here. When they come up I could tell that they were confused about why she was crying. I just hand the paper over to them so they could read it. The emotions that ran across their faces. I just continue to smooth her. North and Silas are just talking and I see them come up with a plan.


North's  POV

When Victor texted Silas saying to come to his room I was confused about why. When I came in to see baby crying. Why is she crying and what does it have to do with us. Victor then hands us a paper and I read it. I wanted to throw up who would do that. I thought our parents were grade A bastards but I was wrong her whole family takes that place. I go over and say baby girl I'm sorry about earlier can you please forgive me? Please say yes, please say yes. She writes of course I do you are the one that saved me multiple times. Do you still like me north star? God she is amazing. I say of course I still like you, do you still like me? She nods her head yes. Thank god I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if she hated me. She is still crying and I don't like that. I wipe her the tears off her cheek. I say your safe, you are never going back there we will make sure of that. She writes down what about school? You know it's just going to get worst since Marie is gone. What are we going to do since we only have two classes and lunch together. Fuck I forgot about that. I look to victor to see him shrug his shoulders. I say lets not worry about that okay.She just nods her head. I say do you want Silas to tell you a joke. Her eye's light up. I think Bingo, his jokes are corny but the way he says them is really funny because he is so serious.


Silas POV

I was confused about why victor texted me saying he needed North and I. When we walked in to see aggele mou crying. All god why is she crying. Then we found out she had a nightmare and how she lost her voice. I got to say that is so sad. I then hear North and her talking about earlier and about school and stuff. Shit I forgot about school. I need to talk to Mr.B about that later. I hear my name and I look to see aggele mou eyes light up. I look up to see what and north mouths joke. Oh he wants me to tell her a joke. I say okay let me think real fast. I walk up closer to her and sit next to her. Here goes nothing. Aggele mou what do you call it when Batman skips church? She just shrugs her shoulders. I say christian bale. She starts laughing. Ready for another one. Why didn't the toilet paper cross the road? It got stuck in a crack. She starts laughing. Thank god because I hate it when she cries. I say do you want to see the others everyone is here including Dr.Roberts and doc. She nods her head yes. North then picks her up and start to carry her out. Victor and I follow after him.


Kota's POV

I see North carrying on sang with Silas and Victor after them. Sang looks like she has been crying again. I ask what happened and Victor hands me a note and what and what I read it said. After I read it I say to doc and Dr. Robert and Mr. B outside and show them the note. I got to say I was shocked to see Mr.B show emotions on his face for once. They are going to talk to her and I nod my head. Doc goes in and say to North it's my turn with pookie now give her up. All you hear is a grunt typical north. I am happy to see north and her made up. When I found out she squirted North and Raven then slapped them I laughed until I was crying. God is so funny. Note to self never piss her off.

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