calm before the storm

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Kota's Pov
When I told my mom that I had a surprise for her after school she was so excited and happy. I can't wait till see the look on her face. I look up to see sang, Luke, Silas and north walk up. It's really quite. I see everyone staring at her. Oh great. 123456....123456.....123456.....123456.....123456.....123456....1234 When I am pulled away from my counting. Sang ask if I was okay because I was counting. I say yeah I'm just so happy to see you. She writes down I'm happy to see you too I missed you guys. Aww, she's so sweet. I say Are you excited to see my mom again she nods her head very fast. I tell them Mr.B and doc wants to see us before homeroom. I go to move but she just sits there looking rather confused. I ask what wrong sweetie. She says where are the others are they okay? Are they not coming today? Damn she really is a worrier. She is worse than me which is saying a lot. I say they are already there don't worry they are fine. She nods her head. I wonder if she notices everyone staring at her. I mean I can't really tell.
Silas Pov
Poor aggele mou everyone is staring at her. It's like she doesn't even notice them staring. I mean how can you not. Then again she is probably used to it by now. We don't know what happened the past two years. We go to go to Mr.B and doc's office when I see a very concerning and confused aggele mou. Kota bends down and ask what's wrong. And I had to laugh of course she would notice everyone not here. I should have figured. I see a smile tugging at all our faces about how considerate. We walk and everyone would star at her and whisper mean things about her. Man this is going to be a long day. I keep my hand on her shoulder letting her know I'm right here. I see all my brothers are getting annoyed just like me but what's really concerning is aggele mou reaction to this. She has a genuine smile on and she keeps walking like it's no big deal that it happens often too often I got to say if she is able to ignore it. I look to see they are just as concerned as me. I know some of us might lose it by the end of the day cough north cough Nathan cough Gabe cough.
Norths Pov
I am about to lose it. Don't these fuckers have something better to do then bully sang baby and the way she's handling it is concerning how you can you actually have a smile on your face and keep walking. She is stronger than I thought. I hate to even think this but I don't think this is the first time this happened. I am really pissed off about this and I know I'm not going to make it through the day if this keeps up or gets even worse. I text Mr.B and doc to tell them what is happening and how she is acting is concerning. They say okay see you guys in 5. I put my phone away to see baby staring at me in concern. I ask what wrong and she said that she knows I'm very angry about them staring and saying mean things about me but it's okay I'm used to it. This is easy compared to the other things that will start up soon so be prepared for it. I will say it gets ugly but I can handle it but I don't think you will or anyone else either. I think to myself how much worse are we talking about and how does she know we won't like it. I am going to have to make her tell us about what is about to happen. I say baby can I talk to you about this once we get to the office. She nods her head in understanding. I walk up to Kota and Luke telling them what she told me. Kota being Kota starts counting again. Luke curses but I don't correct him because that's how I feel.
Luke's Pov
Will these fuckers get a life of their own and leave cupcake alone. When my little bro told me what she said I start coursing. I mean how bad are we talking about here. I look back to see her laughing at what Silas said. How can she be so happy right now I can't stand it. When we finally get to the office I lose my shit. I punched the wall and yell but I stopped before she came I because I don't want to scare her or make her feel bad. Everyone is staring at me in concern. So I say yes what do you need I turn just in time to see her come in and wave hi to everyone. I see everyone is concerned about her reaction to this situation. I bend down in front of cupcake and hand her the talking device and phone. I see her whole face light up with curiosity. She ask what are they and I say a phone and a talking device to culminate with us or to call us for help. She says thank you and I don't know how to use either of these things. I say then what use will Victor be then asides for his money. I laugh along with everyone else including Victor but the look on her face tells me she doesn't like what I said. I say sang I was just joking okay you see he is really really great with technology so we make fun of him for that we make fun of each other all the time okay. Whew that was a close one I see her relax.
Victor's Pov
I seriously thought she was going to punch Luke for what he said. I scrunch down and say I'm not mad I make fun of him with his obsession with sweets that's why he calls you cupcake. I say how are you doing with all the gossip and stuff. I show her how to use the talking device and she puts in "Fine not like it is the first time why are you okay? I say yeah I'm okay but your reaction was kinda weird we were concerned about you. She says if you think this is bad then you won't make it through the year with what will happen. This is the calm before the storm as you would call it. Kota spits out his drink and start choking from what she said. I see his spot and drink went on to Mr.B's shirt. I see everyone else has not move from their spot. So I decide to step up to the plate and ask what she means by this is the calm before the storm. I already dreading the answer. She writes down I'm not allow to answer that one because as Gabe has said " North will flip his shit when he finds out and everyone else will to.

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