My new hope

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Silas Pov
When I was told that aggele mou was in the hospital I was like oh please tell me she's okay. What happened to her now. Victor, Gabe, I were all in the same car so we headed to the hospital. When we got there the looks on Norths, Nathan and Luke's face told me it was not good. I ask them what happened and they say they will have nightmares for the rest of there lives. Luke and Nathan said that while north just shrugs his shoulders. That's never a good thing a silent north is a deadly north. Dr.Robert comes to get us because she apparently won't believe them that we are okay. I realize that the rest of my brothers are here now. When we go back I see her eyes light up and wave at us. I go over and just hug her. God why did she have to be so sweet. She then used Nathan's phone to type if we are okay. I say Yes for everyone because I don't trust some of my brothers to say the right thing cough north cough Gabe cough. I see Luke come up and just hold her and cry. She shoots me a glare. Wow never thought she would do that to me. I turn around because I hear some of my brothers laugh. She asks Luke something but I don't know what. He laughs and says of course cupcake. He pulls out something and gives it to her. I thought it was candy so I turn to ask north what I did wrong when I feel something hit me in the back of the head. I turn around to see her and everyone else laughing. I ask what I did and Luke says she said you lied about everyone being okay. I was shocked I says aggele mou I didn't lie I just didn't want to make you worry okay I'm sorry. She then says okay your forgiven. Okay that's good.
Luke's Pov
She is so sweet here she is hurt and she is more worried about us. I go over and just cry because I thought I lost her when I walk into that bathroom. I see her glade at Silas and laugh oh your in trouble she then ask for some pens and I immediately know what she is going to do. I step out of the way so she has the perfect view and watch her hit him in the back of the head. I start laughing even harder. Wow she really knows how to cheer people up. I say we are keeping her forever. I see everyone else is trying to not laugh. I see Gabe over in the corner so I whisper to her Gabe needs some cheering up. She nods her head, thinks for a couple of minutes then I see her eyes light up. I she her write something and know it's good because she's laughing really really hard. I can not wait to see what she's put to. She shows me and I start laughing oh my this is going to be priceless. She says that needs a lot of pens, whip cream. I ask what she's going to do. She said she is going to hit him with the pens until he comes over here then spray whip cream all over him. I say I'll go get the stuff. She nods her head. I tell my brothers ill be right back trying not to laugh. I would not want to cross her.
Silas Pov
I see Luke and her talking and I see Luke get really excited. Oh no what are those two up to. I tell Luke I'll come. He nods his head. Luke then tells me her plan of cheering up Gabe and I'm dieing right now. I never want to cross her. We get back to the hospital only to see her refusing to sleep everyone is trying to make her take the sleeping pill but she won't. I tell everyone out let us trym. They all leave I tell her you after we do it then you take it okay. She writes down deal that was the only reason why is wouldn't take it. I say you are trouble. She writes down I know and I crack up. I go get Gabe as Luke and sang get ready. I walk out to see them all pacing I say well she won't take it for me but Gabe Luke needs your help in there. When he's gone I tell them the plan and they start laughing really hard some are on the ground. Dr.Robert said she is something else but we still need to check her out we thought it would be easier if she was asleep. I said she'll take it when she's finished she promised us. They all nod their heads. We then hear Gabe scream. We all start laughing even harder.
Gabriel's Pov
We have been trying to get trouble to take the Damn fucking sleeping pill. She is so stubborn I tell you. I bet you Luke and her are planning something because both have this glint in their eyes. Luke said he'll be back that uncle needs him and Silas. Then doc said she needs her rest and she shakes her head no. I automatically knew that it will be a while until she agrees. Silas and Luke are in there trying to make trouble take these fucking pills. Silas says she wouldn't do it for him and Luke needs my help. I walk in and am hit with pen after pen until she ran out. I know it was her because she has done it to a couple others. I see her smile. I say oy what is that for. Luke why the fuck is she mad at me I didn't even do anything yet. I am going to do your hair choose your outfits take you shopping. I see Luke start laughing. Then I step closer and say what you laughing at. Then I say don't you dare trouble. Don't spray me with that bottle but I'm too late she sprays me in the face and in my hair. Oy what the hell was that for. Luke how dare you help her and my hair oh my sweet hair. Trouble says do you feel better now Luke said you needed someone to cheer you up. Oh that's was nice of you. Luke I'm getting you back and trouble is helping me. I'm not mad at her. Now trouble stop being trouble and take the fucking pills already. She writes down okay meanie. What did you call start calling me that she doesn't answer because she took the pill is now asleep. I whisper in her ear this isn't over okay. She just smiles and and nods. I kiss her head and leave to go get cleaned up.
Dr.Green's Pov
Dr.Robert and I go back in to see her asleep with Luke next to her in the bed. He said she took the pills. I nod my head okay. Dr.Robert and I start checking her injuries. She has 4 broken ribs on both side a concussion and needed stiches on the side of the head. Dr.Robert checks her throat to see it's burned and cuts in her mouth. We look at each other and when she wakes up we need to have her tell us everything and see if she wants to join the academy. Dr.Robert says he'll team adopt her as her adopted dad while the other her adopted brothers and if we want her on our team as well. But first they all need to meet and decide if we want her on our team or if she wants to join the academy. We'll talk about it later. I look back over to see all my brothers over by her just watching her sleep. God she's amazing. Dr.Robert said he'll leave us alone with her for a while.
Mr.Blackbourne Pov
She is so funny. I wouldn't want to cross her with what she did to Mr.Coleman. She is so beautiful when she's sleeping. When Phil and Sean told me of her injuries I wanted to kill her family. She is the most wonderful girl I have ever meant because she doesn't even realize how beautiful she is while all the other girls trying to be pretty while she isn't. She doesn't throw herself at guys like the other girls. I see her starting to wake up. She smiles a sleepy smile. It makes my body do weird things when she smiles. Bad owen bad you can't be thinking like that when she has been through hell she doesn't need to worry about anything else. I tell the guys miss.sang and I need to talk real fast. They all leave when they are gone I ask what did your parents do? She writes down Marie would spread lies have people beat me up, when we got home she'll cut me with knifes on my back. My mom will make me lay in rice and glass, make me drink lemon juice and vinegar with glass in it. She'll beat me, and the other day she used a bat on me because she thought I was whoring around because Kota and Nathan showed up that's why she tied me to the shower. You know I use to be able to walk but my mom threw me off of the balcony in our old house and I became paralyzed. My dad told me and he forced me to tell the hospital that I feel from a tree. They believed it. My dad did nothing to stop it. They sometimes would not let me eat for day's because I didn't get all my chores done or Marie would tell lies or switch our papers to get me in trouble. You might ask why they hate me. I don't know why or what I did. You know when I was tied up in that shower after the first 3 days I gave up that I'll survive this. I cried asking God why he hates me what did I do. She is silently crying. But she continues saying I was so happy to see Luke and Nathan I thought I'll never see you guys again or got to say goodbye. You guys were my friend's when no one else would be. I was so happy that you guys would save me. You made me feel safe and protected and loved. I have been alone all my life. So thank you. I know I'm crying because that's the saddest thing I ever read. I say your welcome and me and my brothers will always be here you aren't alone okay. She just nods. God why did you do this. I need to pull myself together before they come in. I say it's going to be okay you are never going back there. Dr.Robert wants to adopt you with his family. Would you like that. Miss.sang just nods her head yes. I say great I'll tell him and if you are nervous you can have one of the guys will stay with you. Now I need to go talk to Dr.Robert and his family real fast okay. I get up and let them back in. I say Dr.Green come with me.
Victor's Pov
We walk back in to see a very upset princess and Mr.B. I wonder what happened here. I walk up to princess and hug her trying to comfort her. I then understand when I read what she wrote I started crying too. I thought she was born paralyzed but no her mom paralyzed her. God why is life so unfair. I climb into her bed and hold her while she cries. They ask why is she crying I just mouth later. I say shh princess it's okay. I mouth to Silas tell a joke because I hate it when she cries and I can tell everyone else does too. Silas says hey aggele mou do you know the muffin man over and over in a serious voice. She then starts laughing and all I can say is thank god. I say hey princess you better now. She nods her head yes. She writes down saying Dr.Robert might adopt her as his daughter and his family. Did Mr.Blackbourne tell you guys. We all are shocked by this. She writes down what's wrong we are still going to be friends right. Why do you guys look so mad. Did I do something wrong? Oh no here comes the tears again. I say no we are not mad nothing is wrong I promise. Yes we are still friends. Please just don't cry please. I don't like it when you cry none of us do. I whisper even the big bad north. She laughs that was a close one and we need to talk to Mr.B ASAP.

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