Three[] Last days

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Jae's pov

"How am I gonna tell the others I got in?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Jae stop worrying about that it's all gonna be okay. Let's just listen to some music." Mac said putting the aux cord in.

We all listened to music and enjoyed ourselves. It was nice.

We got to the mall and spent like 200$.

"I think this is a success." Brooklyn said holding up bags of clothes, makeup, etc.

"I think so too." I said holding up several bags of many different types of clothes, shoes, makeup, accessories, etc. "You got the most!!" Mac said getting jealous.

"It's okay mac & cheese we'll go shopping alone and we'll get a bunch of stuff for us. Only!!" Halle said putting all the bags in the trunk of the car and all of us getting in.

~time skip

"GOODNIGHT MOM!!!" We yelled going upstairs to bed.

__day one complete__

Basically all we did today was tell people I was leaving.

"I'll miss you Jae." Was the last I heard from everyone who I saw.

'I'll miss you jae.' Like I'm dying or something.


__day two complete__

This was family day.

I set up a get together with my go to family. Seeing them so happy for me made me smile but I finally got to my cousin, Emma.

Her and I had been the only girls in our family. We did some much together.

We've laughed together, cried, screamed, threw up together. She was my sister by almost blood. Like a half sister.

And seeing her being happy for me but seeing her hold back tears made me want to not leave.

But there was no backing out now.

"It's all gonna be ok Emmy. I promise. I wouldn't do something to you if I knew you couldn't take it. But this, this I know you can take." I said as a single tear came down my face.

She faked the biggest smile. "Pinky promise?" She asked holding out her pinky.

I nodded and took her pinky with mine and held on tight, like it was gonna save my life or something.

"You'll forever be the Stiles to my Scott okay?" She said hugging me one last time.

"Okay Stiles." I said and laughed as we finished up our goodbyes and good lucks.

We all got in the car when I remembered something.

"Wait!!" I said getting out of the car and went to Emma's car. She rolled down the window. "What wrong?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out two necklaces I got yesterday. "This for you to remember me. And for you to remember just cause I'm across the world, I'm still your main bitch okay?" I said handing her part of the necklace.

It read 'bad bitches for life' She couldn't have been more happy. "For life." She said. I nodded, hugged her and went back to the car.

"Alright let's go." I said and went home to sleep.
__day three complete__

~ Sorry for the long chapter but I felt like it was needed. I'll have less chessy moments in the future.

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