Thirty-one [] Ready?

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Jae's pov

All the girls came running into my now lit with light room.

"WHAT?" "WHO?" Halle and Brooklyn screamed running to my bed.

"What happened?" Mac groaned walking in slowly, rubbing her face to wake up.

"My oldest brother and mother are coming here... LIKE HERE ON MONDAY!" I said wide eyed.

"Oh my god what are you gonna do?" Brooklyn said falling on my bed.

"Well, first I'll have to tell my family about Vernon and the boys, Sydney." I said turning off my phone and throwing it on my side table.

"What are you gonna tell Hansol?" Halle asked. "Tell him the truth. I guess. I wanted to meet his family first though." I sighed, crossing my legs to get warm.

"It won't be that bad I think. You'll get through it. As long as they don't come early and suprise you." Mac yawned getting up and leaving.

"Night doe." She added before closing her door.

"Why are you guys saying you to me? Like I'm alone in this. Can you guys help me?" I asked turning to them both.

They shook their heads.

"For real?" I groaned falling on the bed like the others.

"I'm just kidding. Of course we'll help you." Halle said.

She looked at Brooklyn and pushed her.

"Oh yeah we're here for you." She stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Yea whatever. We'll worry about it when they come. In the mean time I'll tell Vernon they're coming." I said pushing them off my bed.

"I thought you wanted to meet his parents first?" Brooklyn asked confused.

"Yea I do but he'll want to come over alot, now that we're not in the hospital so I can't hide him forever." I said.

"She has a point." Halle said. She smiled and waved before leaving and going to her room.

"Goodnight then Jae." Brooklyn said and pushed me deeper into my bed.

"Yea whatever." I laughed pushing her out my room and closed my door.

I laid in bed, thinking how was I going to tell Hansol?

"Tomorrow." I whispered to myself and fell asleep.

__time skip__


I woke up suddenly to the vibrations on my table.

I grabbed my phone to see who the fuck was calling me this 8:00 am.


I answered the call.

"Hello?" I groaned, suprised by my voice.

"Hey love, wanna hang out today? Go to breakfast? Wait, were you asleep?" He asked. I could just feel his confused cute face squinting at the phone.

"Yes, and I wanted to sleep longer but I guess that's not gonna happen." I said sitting up and stretched.

"Well I'm on my way over so get dressed. Okay?"

"Byeee." I yelled in the phone.

I smiled as I got up and did the morning routine. Brush teeth, do the hair, put clothes on.

I walked downstairs to find Halle already up.

"What on earth are you doing up this early? It's Saturday. You should be asleep. Are you okay? Are you sick? Do we need to take you to the hospital?" I asked seriously confused on why she was up.

"No I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep in too late. But i should ask you the same thing?" She said turning on the tv and flipped through the channels.

"Hansol is taking me to breakfast so that's why I'm up. You being up is just weird." I stated sitting down next to her, waiting for the knock at the door.

"Are you gonna tell him?" She asked, yawning.

"Yea I should. I hope he doesn't freak out though." I sighed.

"If he really loves you, then he has to love your family. It's a package deal." She said as the knock I was waiting for came.

"That's smart. Thanks. By the way go back to bed." I said smiling as I closed and locked the door.

"Ready Jae?" Vernon asked holding out his hand.

I grabbed his hand, smiled big and went to the car.

A/N: oh my god I know this is a horrible filler chapter. I'm sorry. I'm trying.

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