Five[] Sure?

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Jae's pov

"Uh.. Jae Maeberry." I said as my face heated up.

I felt other people sit around me. I looked up.

"Guys this is Jae Maeberry." Mingyu said. I looked at him with a 'what the hell' face.

"Hey I'm vernon." The boy next to me said. I bowed and faked a smile.

"Why the fake smile?" Vernon asked

I looked at him with kind eyes. 'Oh the things he doesn't know.'

"Hello students of Yoon-mae High School! We welcome you to maybe your first year or last year here. We hope you have a good year. Now down to business. Your uniforms will be in your home room class after this orientation. If you don't know your home room then go to the office. Now the rules. Everyone must follow the rules or you will be expelled from thus school. If anyone ever sees anyone breaking the rules then please report it to me. Also, we have new U.S students so please help them find their ways through out the school and help during class. That is it for the orientation tonight. Every student is welcome to walk around the school to find their classes. Thanks you and goodnight. Please be on time for the first day of school." I'm guessing that was the principal here.

(BTW the under lined words are in Korean)

I took a deep breath and stood up. Mingyu stood next to me.

"You wanna walk around for a bit?" He asked me putting his arm around my neck.

'Bad idea.' I thought. I grabbed his arm and put it against his chest as he winced in pain.

"No thanks. I don't know you and I don't know my home room." I said to him.

"I.. can help.. you." One of the other boys that sat down with me said.

He was short, same height as me. He had a round face with faded orange hair. He was cute, like kitten cute.

He smiled looking down sheepishly.

"COULD YOU LET GO OF ME NOW?" Mingyu asked harshly.

I let go of him. "Sorry." I said nodding at the boy with orange hair. I smiled as we left the cafeteria.

"I'm woozi by the way. Well my real name is jihoon but you can call me woozi. I mean that's what my friends call me. But sometimes people make fun of me for it. It makes me feel bad about myself sometimes. But I get over because-" I cut him off.

"Ok! I get it. Your Woozi but your real name is Jihoon. I don't need your life story." I said sighing but giggling.

He looked down at his feet sadly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"HEY JAE! WAIT UP WERE COMIN TOO!" One of the other boys said.

'How many were there? Count them.! 13 of them? What?'

"We wanna come too it'll be fun. I'm S.coups by the way." A tall boy said as he ran up to me.

"OK WAIT!" I sort of yelled.

"I can't be overwhelmed like this. I literally just got off a plane from my home town like 2 hours ago. And now I have to spend 3 years here without my family or friends. It's really overwhelming to have 13 boys just come up to me randomly and think they are my best friends. Please if you want to be friends with me then just give me space right now. Please. I don't even know your guy's names." I said turning around at them.

"Ok, then let's get to know each other. One by one." Vernon said stepping forward.

Vernon was really pretty. He had dark eyes that you could stare into to for hours and not get bored. He was so sweet too. Bonus!!!

I smiled. "Sure?"

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