Ice Cream

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"Alice Amelie Matthews! We are late!"

"I'm coming! Hold on.... Shit!..... Crap that hurt!" She bounced right around the corner, holding her foot and I laughed.

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing. Let's go. I'm ready." I quickly ran my eyes on her and I couldn't help but to whimper silently. She looked exactly like mom. Hazel eyes, straight, brown hair cut right above her shoulders and the heart shaped face. A younger version of her. Before she could even tell, I nodded and grabbed my keys before locking up behind me.

"You know, I'm really not that hungry," she softly spoke once we were inside the car. I sighed, ran a hand through my black wavy hair and then gripped the wheel again. We were not going through this again.

"What have I told you millions of times already?"

She rolled her eyes, but answered me robotically. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Our metabolism runs high so we need more food or else we'll pass out. Blah blah blah. I know what happens if I don't eat Lila. You and mom programmed it to my brain so I wouldn't forget." I flinched at the mention of her, but hid it quickly and pulled up to the McDonalds drive-thru. She made a face as her eyes scanned the menu, but then she just blurted out her order and I nodded.

After paying and getting her food, I dropped her off -right after watching her stuff her small body with the greasy food- and then messed with her hair so it would hide her mark better.

"Stop it. It's hidden and no one will see it," she groaned as she slapped my hand away.

"Sorry. I just don't want people to ask questions."

"Yeah. Because it looks more like a tattoo than a birthmark," she laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Don't forget to pick me up so we can go shopping."

I nodded. "You have your cellphone charged?" Yes. A seven year old had a cellphone. She was smart enough to know when and where to use it and to not flash it around. Her eight birthday was soon, so I just ended up giving her an early birthday gift.

"Yes Delilah," she sighed as she brushed her hair back again and got out. I watched her small figure go into the school and once she was out of sight, I sped off, practically tracing the exact same mark she had on her neck, but on mine. It was all black, but the only color that was there stood out and looked weird.

Red. And it was a drop. Almost looking like a drop of blood. The entire thing almost looked like an infinity sign. Almost. The point that started the shape never touched the end. Instead, as the line went over the first line, it just kept on going down until it lightly faded away. But at the end, the red drop looked like it was actually coming out of the sign.

Weird huh?

As I pulled up at my High School five minutes later -since the school was five minute car ride or twenty minute walk from the Elementary School- I couldn't help but to voluntarily sigh when I saw my car was the only one. Like always.

"Well yeah it's only 7:40. Everyone is still sleeping, the teachers included," I told myself as I climbed out. If you're wondering "why doesn't she go back to her house and sleep like all normal people?" well I have a reason. I knew that if I went back to the house, alone, I would end up going in to my parents room, and never come out.

And I'm saying that from experience people.

So since that day, I would always just come early to school, and either sit in my car and take a nap, listen to music, read, do homework or get out and go to my thinking place just a few feet away from the main building. And if you were also wondering, "Why doesn't she go shopping?" Well it's not even eight in the morning boys and girls. No store is open yet.

So as I walked the familiar and worn out pathway to the hidden gazebo in the middle of some trees, I hugged my book even tighter and took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh scent of the flora surrounding me. The sun was just beginning to rise, so there was a gentle, but cold breeze as the seasons slowly started to change. My hair whipped around me for a second, but as soon as I got inside the gazebo, it tamed down.

It didn't even seem that time had passed as I read, but my alarm beeping from my phone told me otherwise. As I actually focused around me, I could hear the bustling of students as they all began to enter the school.

I got up, dusted my jeans and after another deep breath, I left my place and jogged back to the car. I replaced the book with my bag and after locking it, I quickly blended in with the crowd and made my way to first period.









"Got it."

"Ice cream?"

I stared at her as she gave me a sheepish grin and then I rolled my eyes. Why not. "Sure."

"Yes!" she hissed and bounded down the frozen section to grab her selection. I tightened up my lose ponytail and ignored the weird look the man I walked by gave me. I heard him say something under his breath, but I just ignored him and focused on the little girl who had a frown on her face as she held two tubs.

"Hurry up honey. I have other frozen stuff in the cart," I joked and I saw her roll her eyes.

"Yes mother." She quickly picked one and then threw it into the car. We made our way to the checkout stations and got in line.

The whole time, I couldn't help but to feel like I was being watched. I slowly stretched, and let my eyes wander around before I pulled Ali closer to me and moved forward. She frowned a bit but then ignored it and watched as our stuff was quickly checked out by the guy. After paying, I quickly ushered us to the car and threw everything in the back, being careful with the eggs.

"What's got you in a rush?" Ali asked suspiciously as I locked all doors and released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"We have ice cream in the back. You don't want it to turn into soup huh?" I lied and her eyes widened.

She didn't need to know about these types of things.

Who do you think was watching Lila and Ali? Is he/she important to the story? I wanna know what questions and thoughts y'all have!! Please comment and vote! Thanks!!!

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