Unnoticed Acceptance

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Ali had the time of her life on the way to the restaurant while I tried my best to ignore the man in front of me. I knew I was failing when I found myself staring at him with my chin on my hands and a happy sigh escaping my lips. He laughed softly as turned to see me and I shook my head before straightening up and picked up a breadstick to nibble on.

"So.....What did you mean by a ritual? Is there like dancing or something?" Ali asked him after we ordered our food. The gulp of tea he had in his mouth spilled all over his left side as he coughed and choked for a while. I stood up, tapped his back and smiled back when he smiled up at me. Wait a minute.....

"Hello!?" Ali cried out frustratingly as I quickly sat back down next to her and I saw him gulp. The slightest hint of pink began to spread across his cheeks and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Was the big bad Alpha embarrassed?

"Umm..... It's something adults do." He quickly sent me a wink and I felt my eyes widening and my face blushing as Alice scrunched up her nose.

"Okay eww. Didn't need to know that."

"Wait how old are you? How can you know about......"

"The birds and the bees?" She answered like if she was talking about the weather. I choked on my lemonade and started to cough as my lungs burned for the oxygen. In seconds, Alex was by my side, tapping my back like I did moments ago and I just continued coughing.

"Are you alright? Do we need to go see a doctor?" He asked alarmed. His hands were already inching underneath my knees and I slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine. It just.... Surprises me again to hear that Ali knows more than I think she knows."

He narrowed his eyes at me like if he didn't believe me so I narrowed mine as well. Three seconds later, I won the contest and he scurried back to his seat across from me, but kept his eyes on me as he spoke. "So you never told me how old you are."

"Well I'm 7 but have the brains of a 10 year old. And before you ask, I haven't taken those stupid IQ tests so I don't know what it is," she grumbled and I smiled. He turned to me and I raised an eyebrow.

"How old do you think I am?"

He pursed his lips before he finally spoke. "Well I'm hoping you are 18 already. Or this will definitely be a little..... Awkward."

I narrowed my eyes. "How old are you?"

"Older than you think."



"30!" Ali exploded and I widened my eyes at her. I was soooo not going to date a 30 year old, if I agreed to this..... thing. Wtf????

"Ha ha I wish."


"Now you're just being too kind. I'll tell you my age later because if I tell you now, you will just run away from me."

"Can you at least tell me if I'm close?"

"Honey you can guess and guess but you'll never say the number." Our food arrived and we all dug in with gusto. Me and Ali ended up getting something simple, but with a lot of carbs since we burned up everything faster than normal: Spaghetti with meatballs. Alex ended up getting some type of lasagna that I couldn't even pronounce -but he could and I'm telling you, the way he said it made me internally groan and I had to take deep breaths. It was just.... so.... Sexy......

"Did I make a good decision for lunch?" Alex laughed as he saw us stuffing our faces. I looked up embarrassed and nodded as I wiped my mouth. The waiter came by to make sure everything was to our tastes, refilled our drinks and silently left. Ali was too busy looking down at her plate so she didn't see the next interaction.

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