Alex's Daughter

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Gah sorry guys I haven't updated in FOREVER!!! I've been sick since Wednesday night 🤒 My sister asked me and my other sister to do the party invitations for my niece, so we took a whole day doing that (I NEVER WANT TO SEE A HOT GLUE GUN..... EVER AGAIN!) Then my little brother made his first communion.... Aaaannnnnd it was my uncles birthday..... Busy week for me!!! Anywhoo here is this update and I hope you enjoy it!!! 😄

We found Eveline on top of a thick blanket on the floor, surrounded by six sleeping burly warriors. I giggled quietly and even took a quick peek at Alex, who had a giant grin on his face as he saw the scene in front of him.

We watched for a few seconds as one of them turned around, faced us and even stuck his thumb into his mouth. That small gesture just did it for me and I bursted out laughing as I wiggled myself through the massive bodies.

Everyone immediately stood up, growls emanating from their chests. But when they saw me and Alex, they quickly cut it off and scurried out the room, all in less than thirty seconds. They must be in a hurry for something huh?.....

"So this is Eveline....... Your daughter."

I smiled, nodded and uncovered her more so he could see her properly. I watched as he just stared at her silently and without any emotion on his face. My smile slowly started to fade as the seconds ticked by and he still hadn't said anything.

"Is something wrong?"

He quickly looked up at me and then looked back down before he shook his head. "May I?"

Surprised, I slowly placed her in the perfectly made cradle he had done in his arms. We were both quiet as he continued looking down at her, but I watched him as he watched her.... Wow.... That kind of sounded stalkerish.....

His green eyes roamed all around the small pale face, soaking up everything they could see. A small frown formed once on his face as it seemed he was thinking hard about something, but then it quickly disappeared only to be replaced with a smile. He looked up at me -after a quick scan at my belly- and whispered, "I wonder how our biological children are going to look like."

The breath I hadn't noticed I was holding whooshed out of me and I smiled. "So you like her? You won't make me....." I couldn't even say it. And even if he had done the opposite, there would have been a nasty fight between both of us......

He shook his head, the small frown appearing again. "Of course not. I trust you..... Most of the time-" he paused for a short second and grinned at me as I rolled my eyes. "-so if you had to take a child that wasn't yours for a good reason, then I trust you. I know you aren't the type of person that goes around and claims other people's children as yours. So if she is your daughter, then she is also mine. Whatever mine is yours and if I'm thinking correctly, then the same applies to me. Right?"

A lone happy tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away as Eveline began to wake up. "Yes. Of course. Here give her to me and you can....." I trailed off as he shook his head and gave me a goofy grin.

"Sorry love. No can do. Besides, I need practice for our pups so lead the way. Her stuff are back there right?"

With a nod, we both quickly walked back and took care of her. Half an hour later, she was changed, fed and burped and snoring her little butt off in the middle of the bed as we sat on the floor. Well I tried sitting in the floor; Alex didn't even let my behind touch the carpet as he swiftly moved underneath me and made me sit on his lap. He turned me around so my back was resting against his arm and he pressed me to him. He gave me one long kiss before he pulled away and sighed.

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