Millennium Honey Boo

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Early update for all of my loves!! Hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote once you're done!!! 😄

"Well, you see, any werewolf can find their mate at basically any point of their lives. Although it is most in common to find their mates around the age of 13-18, when puberty starts to hit, it is not surprising if they find them earlier or later. Look at me for example," he chuckled slightly and I rolled my eyes as I tried to contain my smile. This was not the time for smiling. My little sister had a mate for crying out loud!!! And she wasn't even ten!?!!

"How old are you Tommy?"

"I am ten years old my queen. I just turned them last week actually."

3 years. He was older than her by three years.... Which wasn't as bad as the HUGE age gap between Alex and I if I was to be honest....

"Have you turned into a wolf?"

He shook his head at the exact same time everyone else did. "Males turn at the age of 13, no matter what. Females turn at 15. Even though they haven't shifted yet, they can still talk to their wolf and have all the extra power and strength they provide for you. It's easier if you have your mate with you from what I heard, but the pain is still the same."

I blanched. "How is it easier then?"

Alex looked at me with a concern look. "The.... Umm.... The other half basically absorbs half the pain so it will be easier. It's actually fair since both sets have to feel the pain twice if they have met. If not, well it doesn't even matter."

My eyes widened at that information. "So Alice will feel him transforming?!! I have never witnessed a transform, but from what I have heard that one time, it sounded like it hurt!!"

Both men nodded and gulped at the same time. "It does hurt. But it gets easier once you shift over and over again. You barely feel it after a few times."

I placed my head on my hands. "But she's too young! She's barely turning 8 and she has already found the boy she is suppose to be with." All the boys in the room stiffen as I looked up and I sighed. "I don't-"

"Delilah can I talk to you for a minute?" Ali interrupted me as she gave me a sweet smile. Oh no. That smile meant trouble in our vocabulary....

"Umm yeah sure. Boys will you excuse us for a second?" I asked as I stood up and followed her out the door. Tom and Tommy stood up with us and I had to roll my eyes as they slowly sat down once the door was closed. "What's up?"

"What's up?! What are you doing!" She hissed and I blinked rapidly.


"You were just about to say that you don't even approve of this weren't you!?" She hissed as she pointed a finger at me. "How can you have a mate and I can't!? And cut the BS of me being too young because we know that is not the real truth!" She rapidly said when I opened my mouth. "How can you do this to me! I can finally have what you have and you don't want me to have it!? What if I told you that you couldn't be with Alex, huh? How would you feel?"

She was breathing hard by the end of her rant. I just stared at her with an eyebrow raised and pursed my lips. "You done yet? Because I have to go back and-"

She flinched and interrupted me. "You are still going to go back in there and say no? How could you!" Tears were falling down her cheeks and I quickly wrapped my arms around her. She pushed me away and I gasped before I glared at her.

"You didn't even let me finish. I was not going to say that."

"That's a lie and you know it," she sniffed and I sighed. I quickly opened the door and all eyes were on us. "Lila I'm not done talking to you!" She whispered hissed.

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