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Three weeks. It has been three weeks since I had given birth; three weeks since my daughter and Ali's bodies had been taken. I still mourn for them every day, and I even pray to every God and Goddess that is hearing me so they can be returned to us soon. It made no sense why they took them in the first place, but I didn't care. I just wanted them back.

Something inside of me though was telling me that they were not dead. Alex told me that I had felt Alice being killed, so why didn't I feel the same about my daughter? I mean she was technically half of me, so shouldn't that half in me be able to sense one of my children dying?

"Are you ready?" Alex murmured as we stood in front of the fixed palace. I felt him slightly squeeze my hand as I nodded mutely and allowed him to drag me inside. "Everything is almost exactly the same, but we just changed a few rooms in the second floor. We still have the room across my office, and the nursery is right next to it."

He let me slowly walk down the familiar structure while I trailed my fingers on the new furniture. I could hear familiar voices coming from where our room and the nursery would be and I followed them. Sure enough, the girls were there with the kids -as they had brought them here a few minutes before.

"I'm here," I announced and Eveline squealed. She was four months now, but she was a tiny little thing. Noah and Aria were barely about to be a month, and they were already around the same size as her.

"Eveline missed her momma," Mags laughed as she handed me a squealing child. I nuzzled my nose with hers and smiled down as she screamed and squealed some more.

"We already bathed and changed them. You're down to about two bottles of milk so I would get to pumping Del," April coo'ed as she made faces to a laughing Eveline.

"Oh thanks you guys. You know you didn't have to do that! You already do too much for us!" I smiled as Alex grabbed his sleeping son and then walked out the door to his office. That little kid will sure be a daddy's boy.....

"It's no problem," June whispered as she walked around, cleaning up the mess they made. "It's not like we have nothing else to do besides stare at the wall and watch paint dry. Literally."

We all quietly laughed and I just stood still as they all took a turn kissing Eveline. Once the door softly shut behind us, I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner and groaned.

"Oh how I wish you were here Ali...." I whispered as I looked down at Eveline, who played with a lock of my hair. "You would be here, being an awesome aunt to your nieces....."

A lonesome tear slipped down my face at the same time Arie began to cry. With a small yelp, I managed to pick her up wth one hand and then wobble back to the chair as I held two babies.

"You got them there?" Alex's voice echoed in the silence of the room. I jumped slightly and just laughed softly as I watched him walk in with a squirming boy in his hands.

"Yeah I'm sure....... Actually..... Can you set him down in his bassinet and then help me with one of the girls."

He didn't bother asking why. He quickly adjusted Noah in his bed and then grabbed Eveline from me. Once Arie was in hers, I quickly pressed all of the right buttons so the beds could start to rock. Fancy huh?

"I don't think they are going to fall asleep any time soon." Alex mumbled as we stared at three wide awake children. What to sing to make children fall asleep.... What to..... I bit my lip and looked up at him before I shook my head and told myself no.

No. I couldn't.... I wouldn't do it. It was HER song and her song only.....

"It's ok. I know if she was here, she would want you to share it with them."

The Fertility Mark (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now