Mate Maeve

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The days began to go by like a blur. Each night, before I would go to sleep, they would blindfold me and gently push me into a car. They would drive around in circles -or at least it felt like that- until I would fall asleep. When I would wake up, I would be in a whole different room.

I would also be bigger. I didn't actually notice I was growing until four days ago, when I woke up and had a slight bump right above my pelvis. I screamed slightly, causing Dimitri to burst into the room and Quinn to wake up from her sleep alarmed. I just shook my head at them.

Yeah this was going too fast.

I got a two hour break each day as well. I would be able to walk around wherever I wanted to -with another guard dog I should add- but I just couldn't leave the premises. I had managed to finally complain to Dimitri a couple of days ago, but all he did was hiss and point out the door, making me stomp out like a little child who didn't get her share of candy.

I sighed in boredom for the hundredth time as I sat in the small table at the lobby, pushing my fruit around in the bowl. Alex......  Alex are you listening? Every day, I would "talk" to myself, in hopes he was around again. But as the days would pass by and no Alex came, I would start to think that he had given up on me.

But then when Dimitri would barge in wherever I was with a shocked expression and pushed me to a car without a blindfold, I knew he was near by.

So I hadn't given up.....

"Not hungry?" I jumped at the sound of my dads voice and he gave me a sheepish grin. "Sorry."

"I don't have an appetite anymore. Besides I'll probably end up getting hungry again in a couple of minutes."

He eyed my belly and smiled again. "Are you happy?"

"What do you think?" His smile faltered.

"I think you want to leave." I so badly wanted to clap and congratulate him on being correct but I didn't. Instead I just stood up and began to walk away, feeling his eyes following me. I stopped halfway, sighed and turned around, frowning for a second as I saw the d*mn vampire that was following me. "Do you want to talk?" I saw his posture soften a bit and he nodded eagerly. "My room fine? My time is almost up anyways."

"Yes. Of course." All three of us walked to my room and once there, the guard stayed behind, snorting as I stuck my tongue out at him. "Where's your roommate?"

"Out getting me more clothes. I won't fit into these for much longer."

He nodded and I sighed in relief when he didn't notice my lie. Well partial lie. She was going to go get me some more clothes, but she was also doing me a favor. Since I had won that game days ago, I hadn't cashed in my prize until yesterday morning when she announced where she was going.

She was hesitant at the beginning, but after a few minutes of my begging and waterworks, she agreed nonetheless.

"I will come and haunt you if I die!" She threatened me and I just laughed.

"You won't. Just tell them what I told you and they should believe you. If not, just run."

"You know we weren't hunters," he murmured, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly looked up at him from the door and then made my way to the table where he was sitting.


He looked down at the floor before he looked back up. "You didn't let us finish before. I said we weren't hunters. Your grandparents, great grandparents and so on from both sides were, but not us."


He smiled and gently patted my hands that were on top of the table. "You girls. I won't lie and say we weren't asked to be hunters and that we didn't agree. We actually did. But we never got the chance to actually do it because we had you. When we saw the mark on your neck when you were born, that made us back out and we knew that we couldn't tell anyone. If we had somehow been caught by a vampire and they had mind compulsion or some type of power, we wouldn't have any control of our words. We couldn't risk the lives of you girls so we never actually hunted."

The Fertility Mark (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now