Aunt Georgina

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The same thing happened on Sunday. We were barely getting up and still on our pjs when the bell rang. I opened the door still half asleep and barely noticed that it was Alex standing outside, holding a box of donuts and a to-go container with three cups. I yawned as I heard the weird growl coming from him and without thinking it twice, I began to close the door. It didn't close all the way though and I looked down to see a black shoe.

Ok. So now I was awake. I groaned and opened the door again, revealing him staring at me with... lust in his eyes and I had to roll my eyes. I was getting tired of him and his weird -and scary I might add- obsession with me. It needed to stop, yesterday.

I was seconds away from closing the door again when Ali gasped and threw the door open even more, knocking me to the side. "Ooh! Donuts!" She took the box from him and ran inside, giggling creepily. Alex was still standing outside, breathing hard as he looked at me with the same expression. I looked down for a second before I gasped, blushed and hid behind the door.

My normal pjs were dirty and I hadn't had time to wash them so I slept in a large maroon shirt. It went down to above my knees thank god but it hung loosely so it was exposing my right shoulder. Besides the shirt and some undies, I was practically naked in front of this man.

"I suggest you go change now little one," he breathed out heavily as he still eyed me. "I won't be able to control myself much longer."

"Umm..." I slowly closed the door and then sprinted for my room. I quickly changed into some shorts and a tank top and found myself fixing my hair. I stopped mid-brush, frowned and just pulled everything into a messy bun before running back to the door. He still stood there, holding the drinks and I fidgeted in spot. Ali was already on her second donut from what I could tell and there was no way I could give him the box back. I knew I was going to regret it sooner or later as I found myself opening the door even wider.

"Would you like to come in?" He smiled widely at me and took two big steps so he was right in front of me. I gulped and tilted my head back as he looked down at me with black eyes.

"You have no idea how much," he growled and I cringed. Oh shit.

"Umm Ali don't eat too much sugar," I quickly said, breaking our staring contest and ran to the kitchen. I heard the door softly shut and not even seconds later, him glued to my back as we both stepped into the room.

"Too late," she giggled and took a bite out of a chocolate one. I sighed, shook my head and sat down. I noticed that he took the seat next to me and then placed one of the three cups in front of me. He gave another one to Ali and I quickly slammed my hand down on it as she picked it up eagerly.

"No. No coffee for you."

"It's hot chocolate," he murmured, making me jump and I sighed. I guess more sugar with the sugar she already had wouldn't hurt. Right?

I slowly ran a hand through my already lose bun and froze when I heard him talk. "Is that a tattoo on your neck?"

Ali looked up at me with wide eyes as she stopped mid chew. I just gave her a look before looking up at him and nodded. "Yeah. I got it not long ago." I let my hair down even though it was a little warm in the room, but that didn't stop him from tracing it.

"Really? It doesn't look that new. It looks like you've had it for a while already," he murmured as one of his fingers slowly touched it. Huge -and I mean HUGE- sparks flew through my body as he touched my skin and I jumped in my seat. I found myself wanting to jump his bones right there and then as the strong feelings went through me but I held myself back. I stood up and walked over to Ali's side and began to mess with the donut box.

"Oh well it's been a while then. I don't even remember getting it," I murmured while not looking at him. I felt Ali nudge her foot to mine and I looked down at her. She gave me an "are you ok?" look and I nodded. I bit my lip and hoped she went with what was going on through my mind. "Well I hate to break this unplanned meeting but me and Ali have to go."

"Where?" he asked flatly and I frowned. That is none of your business dude.

"We have to go visit our aunt Georgina who lives two hours from here. We promised to go today since it's her birthday, right Ali?" I lied smoothly.

She looked at me confused for a second before nodding and saying, "Right."

"I don't believe you."

"Well too bad." I grabbed his bicep and almost started to drool as I felt all the muscles. I quickly dropped my hand and placed it on his back -which was rock hard as well- and began to push him to the door. It took me a couple of tries to make him even move, but I managed to do it and opened the door once we got close. "Thanks for the donuts. Don't do it again please and I hope I never see you again." And I slammed the door on his shocked face. I slumped down as Ali came out of the corner, her eyebrows up in the air and I rolled my eyes.

"Since when do we have an aunt Georgina?"

"Oh be quiet. Go change into something comfortable. We are leaving."

"Wait so are we actually going somewhere today?" she gasped and I nodded. She squealed, clapped rapidly and bolted to her room as I stood up from my spot and went to my room.

Oh man. Why was Alex still in my head? He was a creeper, a stalker and a neck weirdo...... But he was also hot and muscular and.... No! Stop thinking about him Delilah! He practically jumped you and followed you home! He's a freak!!!

I needed to get him out of my head... And now.




True to my word, I took her to the mall where we got some new outfits, we watched a movie and even went to go get some ice cream. It was an all day activity and I actually enjoyed doing it, but I couldn't help but to notice that I felt like we were being followed.

"Why are you being paranoid again? That's why we never have fun!" Ali complained when she saw me pause and look everywhere. I just shushed her and placed a hand on her shoulder before continuing our path to the car.

"Well I'm sorry I'm just making sure no one is following us. Don't want anyone knowing our secret right?"

She rolled her eyes but sighed. She then proceeded to munch on the leftover popcorn from an hour ago and I rolled my eyes but joined her. "What do you want for dinner?"


"More junk food?"

"Might as well end the day with junk food since all we've been eating is junk food," she huffed and I shrugged. True that. So after dropping all of our bags and then ordering the pizza, I jumped to the door when the bell rang. I didn't even look up as I pulled out the bill from my pocket to pay the guy.

"Thanks. Keep the..... Huh?"

My hand was frozen on the box as I stared at Alex who was holding the other end. He had a giant smirk on his face and I frowned as it only got bigger. "Like what you see?"

"No." I tried to pull the pizza away but of course it wouldn't budge. I sighed and gave up, ready to close the door when his words stopped me.

"Have a good day at the mall?"

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