Secret Closet

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"Max!..... Stop!..... Please stooooooppppp!" I cried as he kept on tickling me. He had caught me seconds after I ran and again threw me over his shoulder before setting me down on some random bed and began to tickle me. Of course, I tried running again once I managed to distract him enough with fake tears, but then he caught up to me again and now was punishing me even more.

"Oh Max is long gone love. I'm just having fun now," Alex laughed while I continued crying. His fingers stopped, I took some staggering breaths and held on to my sides as I curled up into a ball.

"Please no more. I'm going to pee my pants if you do."

"You are not marking your territory on our couch Delilah. That is my job." I rolled my eyes as he laughed and I wiped my eyes, trying to get some of the moisture out of my face.

"Ha ha. Remind me when your pack leaders will get here?"

"Actually..... Now," he said with a smile and a second later, the door bell rang. I opened my mouth to say how did he know and he tapped his head and ears. "They mind linked me. Plus I heard their mates talking from a few feet away."

"Mind link?"

"Oh yeah. I haven't told you that haven't I? Well it's sort of like being able to read everyone's mind. You can turn it on and off whenever you want and you can even choose a certain person or group if you want. And since I'm King, I can link with every Alpha and Beta out there." My eyes widened at this information. If he can read my mind, then everyone else can.... Oh my- "I am the only one who is able to read your mind. And it's going to stay that way."

I nodded and sighed in relief as we both made our way downstairs. I tried to fix my hair as best as I could, knowing it looked like a rats nest from moving my head too much. My wrinkled shirt was a lost cause and I glared at a smirking Alex, who only sent me a wink.

"I hate you right now."

"Oh you know it's not true."

"You'll see later on. My ass will be the only one cuddling with me tonight."

He stopped short in front of our guests and stared at me in fear. "No. You wouldn't!"

I looked away from him to hide my smile but couldn't help myself when I saw the two couples looking at us with wide eyes. A small chuckle escaped my lips before I began to talk. "Hello. My name is Delilah, this dummies mate."

"Delilah!" Alex whined besides me as the group snapped their eyes to me and then smiled. The all bowed and I immediately began to shake my head as they murmured, "My Queen."

"Oh no no! Please don't bow or say anything like that. Just call me Delilah or Lila, whatever you prefer. I'm still not used to this whole royalty thing so please bare with me."

The men seemed taken aback while the ladies just smiled widely and the one on the left brought me into a hug before going back. "My name is April and I'm the Luna of the pack. My mate here," she motioned to the man who stood besides her "If you can't tell already is the Alpha. His name is Elliot but you may call him Ella because it annoys the sh*t out of him." She laughed as he groaned and gave me a small nod, not giving any indication that he was going to hug me as well.

Before I even had time to look over to the other couple, the woman had her arms around my neck and was squealing as she jumped up and down while her mate watched in fear. "My name is June and this is my mate, Henry. From process of elimination, you can easily tell we are your Betas. It's an honor to finally meet you."

Henry gave me a stiff nod as well and I nodded back before smiling again. They were all beautiful I could tell you this. Both April and June gave me the slightest hint that they were sisters. They both had the heart shaped face surrounded by the dark, shiny waves. The only difference between them was that April had blue eyes while June had brown ones. April had a little more "age" around her eyes but they could basically pass as twins if they ever wanted to.

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