Wedding Crashers

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After our date, the time began to fly by. Alex had his royal duties all around the world, so some days he left me in the care of the entire pack. I wouldn't mind though, as I knew exactly why he was doing it, but I would terribly miss him those days he would be gone.

My belly grew bigger and bigger with each passing day as well. Quinn and Rebecca gave me weekly checkups, as the pups were growing faster than normal because of their royal blood. Alex would completely freak out whenever I would flinch because one of the twins decided to move in another direction and that would cause him to yell out for one of the girls so they could stop my small, almost non-existent pain. He would frown at my laughter, but his expression would quickly change into adoration and excitement when he would feel them move under his big palm.

Quinn still had her weekly visits with Dimitri. Each time she would go, she wouldn't stay for long. She would only go to update him on how I was doing and if I was still happy. Only once, did he say that soon he would come back for me and then surprisingly, on the next visit he took interest on the wedding plans. He didn't elaborate much, and it totally freaked me out since my mind decided to tell me that he was going to ruin it and attack that day. Mags even took me off my MoH duties for a few days as I was acting like it was my OWN wedding, and all the stress I was having weren't doing any good for the babies.

The pack never stopped training. Everyone knew another war would soon be coming, so they were training their hardest so they could protect all five of us. With the Queen, the queens sister, and the three royal children, they had their hands full, but they didn't care. Apparently defending the royal family was some type of honor, and if they had to sacrifice their lives for us, they would gladly do it. Much to my protests anyways......

Ali.... Well Ali was just being herself. She was beyond exited for the wedding and couldn't wait to walk down the aisle as she threw petals all over the floor. She even began to practice, using fake ones as she walked down the stairs every day. Once she reached the floor, she would kiss my swollen belly and then pick up all the petals before she would make another trip because the first time 'wasn't perfect.'

I didn't even notice that I had been back with my pack, waiting for something to happen until I was laying down with my shirt up, doing my 4 and a half month check up -or in human time, my 8 and a half.

"You ready?" Rebecca asked me like always as she warmed up the tube with her hands. Quinn was off talking to Dimitri -as it was time- and she didn't mind missing this one appointment. Besides, she would always want to tell me the sëx of the babies, even though I wanted them to be surprises. We had already picked out names, so we were ready for almost everything.

"Yes," I smiled as I squeezed Alex's hand and quickly pecked his lips. I jumped slightly when the still cold gel hit my belly, and then winced as the wand dug into my skin.

"Well they look alright..... Here's baby A-" she moved the wand in a big circle so we could see the entire formed baby, "-and here's baby B." She moved in another circle, and I just smiled as I looked up at Alex.

"Look. Those are our children."

He quickly smiled back, and was about to reach down to kiss me when his eyes snapped back to the screen. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I asked alarmed as I looked back at the screen. When I saw nothing except my babies, I looked back at a frowning doctor who just moved the wand over and over again in a certain spot. "Will someone tell me what is going on??"

"You heard it as well right?" Alex demanded and she nodded.

"HEARD WHAT?" I was full out panicking now. WHAT HAD THEY HEARD!!!!

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