Bloody Lips

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Alright..... So this is who I picture as Delilah...... Is she as you imagined her? She has GORGEOUS natural blue/green eyes and I HATE to change them, but for the sake of the story, just imagine them hazel 😉 Comment who you think Delilah would be. If I like someone else, I'll change her. Thank you!!!

"Did you managed to contact him?" I mumbled under my breath as soon as she walked in with a few bags in hand five hours later. It was a little over 10:30 at night, and I was at the point of falling asleep but when I heard the door creaking open, I bolted up, the sleepiness gone. She nodded and I sighed in relief before I silently pointed to the bathroom and did a bunch of hand motions between Eveline and the bath. Quinn just swatted me away and I rolled my eyes before walking in.

Twenty minutes later, I came out relaxed and clean and thanked her at the sight of a tray with food. My stomach growled in delight and she just gave me a big smile as she continued rocking Eveline to sleep. I ate in peace and not even ten minutes after I finished eating, I found myself going to sleep. When someone shook me awake, I sat up, my eyes going straight to Eveline, but she was sound asleep.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I asked Quinn, who stood besides me as she played with her hands. Not once did she look at me as she spoke.

"It's time. You have to get ready."

"For what?" I looked at the clock and my eyes widened a bit when I saw that it was 10 in the morning. Wow. Did Eveline even cry? I never heard her make a peep once. Or was I a deep sleeper?

"I took care of Eveline as you slept," she explained as she saw me eyeing her. "You needed the rest." She stopped talking, sighed deeply and then whispered, "Remember that we bury Terri today?"

My heart skipped a beat and I looked up at her, a knot in my throat. "Oh yeah...."

Without another word, I got up, checked Eveline and then went to the bathroom and did my business. After fighting my hair for a good ten minutes, I managed to tame it down in soft waves around my face before I walked out in time for Eveline's cries.

"I got her."

Another twenty minutes and a big burp later, I set her down again before I quickly changed both of us into appropriate clothing. Not once did she make a peep, and I was even surprised that she let me have a quick bite to eat before we headed off.

"Where's Dimitri?" Not that I really cared. I would think that being outside the cottage, he would be all up in my space and watching each step I took like a hawk.

She pointed forward, towards some trees were more vampires were making their way. "Getting everything finished. I think we are the last ones so once we get there, the ceremony will begin."

We walked a few more steps, walked around a fallen trunk and then crossed through an open gate. From there, I could see Dimitri standing in front of a table that had a dressed body on top while he was surrounded by a few tombstones.

"Terri." Quinn softly squeezed my shoulder as we took the last few steps and sat down at the very front, where the only chairs in the whole place were at. I caught Dimitri's stare for a second, and we both nodded at each other before I looked away as Eveline began to squirm.

"Everyone," he started off, his voice soft, but full of power. All whispers immediately ceased to exist and I shuddered as I felt a few eyes on my back. "Today, we finally send our friend here, Teresa Holt, to the final step of her life." Eveline let out a small cry and I felt all eyes on me as I swayed the baby back and forth. "Teresa -or most likely known as Terri to all of us- was born on a cloudy Wednesday morning of November 23, 1881 as a human. She lived her life as human for a good 23 years until she was changed by her mate, Nick Hunters with my permission." There were a bunch of throats being cleared and I softly squeezed Eveline closer to me for a second. "They lived a happy and carefree life since her change until Nick left her not even 6 months ago. Terri thought she was alone and without a single trace of her mate until she found out she was expecting the first baby in over three hundred years." Again, all eyes went to us and I gulped. Talk about being on the spotlight...... "She had a healthy baby girl, whom she named Eveline Anya Hunters before her death. Unfortunately, the child did not posses the vampire gene." He quickly looked at me specifically and I shifted in my seat, feeling like the damn fertility mark was on display. Once he looked away, I looked down, not able to keep my eyes on him or Terri as he continued talking.

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