The Date

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I didn't get placed down on my feet until we got to Alex's destination. I did end up going from over his shoulder to piggyback riding, so I did get to see exactly where we were going. Not that I would remember anyways since he was walking so fast.....

The excited smile on my face froze for a few seconds before it morphed into total shock as I saw what was laying in front of us.

Around the big circle, lights were hung up and down the branches, giving it that magical glow as the sun set with them. Right smack in the middle was a red blanket with a basket, two pillows and another light beige quilt neatly folded on the side. The few occasional butterflies and ladybugs stopped at a random flower that were growing everywhere, but they actually never got close to the picnic.

"Do you like it?" His soft voice interrupted my ogling and I turned my head to face him. With a still shocked expression, I nodded mutely and he grinned. "Excellent. You hungry?"

"Starving!" I replied and he smiled even wider and nodded before he picked me up again and then seconds later set me down right besides the blanket. "You know I can walk, right?"

He nodded and shrugged at the same time as he pulled me down to his lap. "I know. I'm just spoiling you even more today though since it's our date." I laughed out loud as he began to pull out plates, multiple covered bowls, fruit, waters and juices. "No alcohol for us today unfortunately. We won't properly toast for this until our babies are safely out."

I rolled my eyes as he slowly uncovered the first container. "You know it won't hurt them if I take a small sip. It is actually known that it's alright for a pregnant woman to drink a glass of red wine once a week with no complications to the pregnancy." His hands stilled mid air as he stared at me in shock. "But don't worry. I won't even risk our children by drinking a drop. I don't know if werewolf babies react the same way as human babies."

He slowly continued diving the food into the two plates as he occasionally stared at me. I saw him gulp as he handed me my plate before he secured an arm around my waist and hoisted me even tighter to him. "They might not have the werewolf gene though."

My fork paused as my body stilled at what he had said. "Huh? What do you mean they might not have the werewolf gene? Are you saying they might be humans?" I found nothing wrong with having werewolf or human babies. As long as they came out healthy and safe, I didn't care.

He grabbed the fork and plate from my hands and scooped a healthy amount before he raised it up to my mouth. I didn't part my lips until he huffed in frustration and I sighed.

"They only have half of the werewolf gene. Yes, I have powerful lineage in my blood, but since you're human and the babies are half you, the human gene can still overpower the werewolf one. I'm not saying all of our children will be humans, but there might be a possibility."

I cleared my throat from the bite and turned my head slightly as he offer me the second helping. He grunted again but I just ignored him and spoke softly. "Will you..... Be ok with that?"

I felt him stiffen behind me and seconds later, both of his arms were wrapped around me as he turned me around so I was facing him. "Of course I will!! They are our children and I will love them, even if they come out with a tail or a third eye. Why would you even ask that?"

I shrugged and just buried my face on his chest before I looked back up. "Just forget I ever asked that. This is suppose to be a date and not a time for questions. I mean, yes some people ask questions, but not this kind."

He raised an eyebrow as a small smile appeared on his face. "Oh. And what type of questions are we suppose to ask each other then?"

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