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I managed to get myself away from his arms and scooped Alice up before taking many steps back. "He is not my boyfriend," I hissed. "I don't even know him."

Alex looked at me with narrowed eyes and took a step forward. I took a step back, keeping Ali behind me and felt her little fingers tighten around my arm. When he took another step, I took one as well and he took a deep breath before growling and taking another step.

"Please leave," I tried to say with authority but my voice came out in a whisper. I felt Ali bump into a wall and I knew we were trapped when he smirked and just got closer. When he was a foot in front of me, he lifted one of his big hands up and I flinched while tensing myself for the blow. When it never came, I opened my eyes to see him feet away, looking at me with a sad and... horrified expression before nodding and walking away. As soon as the door closed behind him, my legs gave out and I sighed in relief.

"Who was that?" she whispered after a few moments of silence. I just shrugged and rubbed my temples before sighing and used the wall to get up.

"I need food..." I mumbled to myself and dragged my tired body to the kitchen. Too lazy to cook something up, I grabbed a couple of the nasty nutrient granola bars -not the good kind. The kind that tastes like paper, but it's actually filled with all the vitamins and shit- and ripped one open as I walked to my room.

"You alright?" I mumbled through a mouthful to Ali. She was laying down on her bed, reading a book with her feet propped up in the headboard. She nodded and quickly turned around, dropping the book besides her.

"Why did he say he was your boyfriend? I thought you didn't have time for one."

"I don't. And I don't have one. He moved who knows when to the abandoned mansion just up the hill." Her eyes widened and she nodded. "We... Bumped into each other and then he went all crazy, sniffing me and followed me home. Well brought me home since I passed out from not eating." I was on my second bar now, feeling a little better as she rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Why do we have to be the unlucky ones? Is it because of the stupid mark?"

I sat on the edge of her bed and threw away the wrappers on the trash can near her dresser. "I don't know. All I know is that mom and dad didn't want us to show anyone our marks. Especially you since you are young. Just forget about what happened today and let's keep on living our lives. If someone bothers you, let me know and I'll think what to do after that."

"Will we move?"

I froze and shook my head. "No." She nodded and both of our eyes moved to the wall that separated her room from our parents. I sighed, got up from her bed and kissed her forehead. "Don't stay up too late."

"But it's Friday!"

"Then no bacon for you missy," I threatened and her eyes widened.

"Fine. But I get double then."

"Don't we always get double?" I laughed and she rolled her eyes.





I was almost done cooking an entire package of bacon -we loved that stuff- when she shuffled in, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Good morning."

"Good morning. Can you get the juice out please." She grabbed the carton of juice from the fridge without a word and set it on the table. She helped herself to some food as I placed the last pieces of the meat on the paper towel and then brought the plate over to the table. "What do you want to do today?"

She was about to open her mouth to say something when the doorbell rang, startling us both. No one. And I mean no one EVER came over. So who could that be?

I walked to the door slowly with a quiet Ali behind me and we both jumped when it rang again. After a deep breath, I slowly opened the door a bit and frowned when I saw who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I growled at him. He was resting both of his big arms on each side of the door and his head was down. But when I spoke, he looked up at me with a smile and I had to blink rapidly to clear my head so I could understand him.

"Hi." That's it. That's all he said? Ali laughed quietly behind me and I gently kicked her, ready to close the door on his face. "Wait!" His big hand stopped the door from closing and I sighed. I slowly opened it again and stepped outside, not wanting Ali to get hurt. This was my fault, so I had to fix my problems.

"Look Alex. Thanks for saving me yesterday but I don't need your help anymore. Just get your little crush out of your head before I call the police and get a restraining order on you."

He smiled and shook his head. "Babe. This isn't a crush. Trust me. And a restraining order won't stop me from seeing what belongs to me."

Huh? What belongs to him?

"Well whatever belongs to you you can't have. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go check on my sister and make sure she hasn't burned down the house."

He grabbed my arm and I gasped as I felt the same tingles from yesterday run up and down. I looked up at him and he shook his head. "She's watching." Huh? He pointed to the little window besides the door and I turned around -as best as I could since he was still grabbing me- to see her small face poking out while she held the plate of bacon. She grabbed a piece, slowly placed it in her mouth and chewed. I could practically hear her moan from where I was standing and I frowned. That little tw- "Feisty isn't she?"


"Your sister," he laughed again and I shrugged. I was used to her being like this.

"Umm.... Can you let go of my arm now please."


I frowned and placed my other hand on top of his. I tried pulling his hand away, but it was basically useless since it seemed I was trying to pull away those two magnets that were inseparable once you pushed them together. "Let..... Go!"

"I can't. My...... He won't let me."

I froze. "Who won't let you?" He didn't answer and I slowly felt his grip loosen. I quickly pulled my arm away and rubbed the red part, wincing.


"Whatever." I tried to go back inside, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm again -more gently this time- and I sighed. "What?"

"A name. Please can I have your name at least. I can't just keep on calling you Angel each time your sweet voice says something."

"Angel?" I question and he smiled.

"Yes. Or do you prefer that?"

"I prefer you not knowing my name. So bye." Again he stopped me and I groaned. He looked at me with pleading eyes and I looked away, not wanting to get hypnotized by them. I had no idea how or why, but he was making me want to tell him everything. He made me want to crawl into his arms and let him protect me from everything I was afraid of. I wanted to tell him everything about me, including the mark and even show him that Ali had the same one. But I knew better. I couldn't let my stupid hormones control me.

"Please. Nickname. Middle name. Last name. Any name that belongs to you."

I took one last glance at his emerald eyes and sighed. "Maeve. You may call me Maeve." And with that, I quickly escaped and closed the door behind me. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and slumped down to the floor, hiding my face in my hands.

"I ate all the bacon!" Ali's voice brought me out of my state. I laughed and shook my head. She always did that; therefore the reason I hid a second plate somewhere she wouldn't look right now. "Oooh! There's some more inside the oven!"

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I screamed and got up from the floor. This little girl was going to kill me!!!

The Fertility Mark (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now