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I was planning on posting something on Mother's Day. So I'll just do this quickly. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mothers out there! We love you! ❤️💋🌹🌹🌹👩🏼

After another day of driving around, trying to forget everything that had happened at the restaurant I stomped my foot down on the ground and protested. "Alright that's enough! My butt is numb, I swear this seat already has my cheeks memorized and I am getting claustrophobic."

"Ho-Ho-Ho!" Quinn laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"This is not a Spongebob episode Quinn. So I'm not afraid of Santa Claus." Yes, we had been watching reruns of that little yellow sponge living under the sea on Dimitri's laptop. When we had wasted the battery on the computer, we used the tablet from his second in command, Austin, and then sat in silence when the Internet connection got lost.

She shrugged. "I tried."

"Anyways I need a room and a toilet to do my business on!! I don't want to be using a different one every time I have to go!"

Dimitri stared at me as he stretched over his seat. He didn't remove his eyes from me for a good five minutes and then he sighed. "Fine. Besides Quinn needs to check you and Terri. Terri can give birth any time from now so we need to find a spot, and soon."

And sure enough, two hours later, we pulled up into some woods. I had no idea where exactly we were and it's not like I was going to ask since no one would answer anyways. We drove for another thirty minutes and then a small cottage appeared. "There. This should be good for a few days. Out of civilization and cellphone reception so no contact with anyone."

I quickly shot a look at Quinn and I caught her frightened look before she looked away. She had yet to contact Alex, and knowing him, he probably thought that she had deceived him. Now, there was no way we could talk to him and tell him where we were.

The door to the van slowly opened and I stepped out cautiously, looking everywhere except at the person in front of me. I led the way to the cottage and once we were inside, I coughed as the million year old dust swirled around.

"Wow. When was the last time someone was here?" I coughed again as I flicked away a cob web. I shrieked when I saw a mouse scurry under the furniture and then glared at the vampire that chuckled at my reaction.

"Don't know. Don't care. Austin, get some people and start to clean this off. I want it spotless by the time my mate comes back."

I shuddered when he called me his and then again when he placed a hand on my back. I jumped slightly, and heard him sigh before he started to walk ahead with Quinn and Terri. Terri held on to her back as she wobbled and I couldn't help but to smile a bit and look down at my tiny bump.

That will be me soon.... I will have to waddle everywhere since the baby will be pressing on my bladder and back most of the time...

"Here," Quinn's voice echoed, interrupting me from my small moment. I looked up to see her holding out what looked like a hospital gown. I slowly took it and looked at the room we were at, not even realizing we had entered a room.

It was a small office filled with first aid things. It was surprisingly clean -well cleaner than the rest of the place- and I could distinctly smell the disinfectant that was always on any room with first aid things.

"Change into this and then we can go to the underground room for the check up."

I saw that Terri was stripping in front of us with no care and I blushed before I looked away. I on the other hand, took my shirt off and then put the gown on before I took anything else off. I kept my undergarments on, and quickly folded my clothes before placing them on a chair. "Alright let's go."

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