Locked Mate

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WiFi works!..... For now!! Lol I'm in a good mood so I'll give y'all another update. Better chapters are coming up soon, so don't give up on me!! Hint for next few chapters though..... Whatever happens here, will be useful in the future..... Just keep that in mind..... Thanks!

The van stopped right at the edge of the forest at the same time a black familiar sports car flew to a stop near a tree. The drivers door flew open and then two seconds later, the door to my right flew open as well. I was immediately crushed to familiar arms and I crushed myself even tighter to him.

"I thought something bad had happened to you." He breathed out as he took deep breaths from my neck. I quickly shook my head and then moved his face so I could slam my lips to his. I needed to make sure I was not dreaming like earlier and I knew his kisses would definitely wake me up.

I pulled away breathless a good four minutes later and then buried my face on his chest, not caring if everyone just saw a show. "Take me home."

"It will be faster if you ride on Max's back." I just nodded, not caring and took a step back. He immediately shifted, his clothes exploding to tiny pieces and I went straight to him. Max licked my face and I kissed his nose back before I scratched his head.

"Take me home Max."

He nodded and then crouched down to the floor so I could get on him. Once I was basically spread all over with handfuls of his fur, he began to move and I just snuggled even further. I should be enjoying this; riding on a werewolves back was something I had wanted to do since Alice mentioned it when we first got here. And now here I was, but I couldn't enjoy it because I was too busy thinking about something else. I heard a deep growl coming from underneath me and then a bunch of wolves howled around us.

Alice. I will protect you, no matter what. You will not go with him. I promise you this.





It didn't take that long like he said. A one hour drive on car took twenty minutes by wolf and I couldn't be happier. I wanted Alice in my arms, knowing she was safe and sound. The stars were already beginning to overpower the sun when he walked through the door and straight to our room. Once there, he nudged me into the bed and then shifted as soon as I was done getting off of him.

He pulled me into his lap, not even caring if he was full out exposed and I blushed slightly. "Now. Tell me everything. I can tell you've had something in your mind all day but didn't want to tell me. You never block your thoughts unless it's necessary."

I took a deep breath and then told him everything. I told him all about the dream and then the voice when he stepped out. Then, I told him about seeing Dimitri in the bathroom and I repeated everything he had said, word by word. By the time I was done, he was shaking so bad, I had to get off of him to be able to see clearly and stop the forming headache. "Alex. Look at me. Alex, look at me." His pitch black eyes stared into my own and I softly kissed him. "Alex I love you. I am not, and I am never going anywhere with him. But if Alice's life is ever in jeopardy, I will gladly trade mine with hers."

He was frozen. His eyes went back to the gorgeous green that I still hadn't gotten used to and he blinked, showing off his thick and long eyelashes. "What did you just say?"

I raised an eyebrow. "That I will trade my life for Alice's no matter what?"

He growled, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him so I was basically straddling him and I blushed. He was STILL naked. He shook his head and took deep breaths. "We will talk about that later. But no, I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about what you said before.... That."

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