Surprise Powers

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We didn't stay in the infirmary for long. After I had threatened him with my life, he just hissed, yanked his hair in frustration and then sighed.

"Fine. But as soon as that mutt is born, we are getting rid of it. Then we can get started on our family." He caressed my cheek and I had to hold back the bile that had threatened to come up. Oh h*ll no. I didn't respond with anything else. I just looked away and trained my eyes on anywhere and anything else besides him.

We were indeed underground as there were no windows from what I could see and I was getting a strong odor of dirt from everywhere. Although all of the walls -except the first room I had seen when we got here,- were covered in plaster and paint, it almost looked like a normal building. But the flickering light bulbs ever so often made it look like it came from a horror film.

"Are you hungry?" He murmured as we passed the kitchen. It was huge; even bigger than Alex's, but there were a couple of vampires standing there, cooking the food. And I sure as h*ll was not going to eat anything they made.

"No." Was all I said and looked away, even though my stomach began to protest. Wrong timing stomach! Wrong timing!!!

"Yes you are. Let's feed you." He grabbed my elbow and began to lead me inside, but I quickly pulled it back.

"I said I'm not hungry!" I hissed and he frowned. His nostrils flared as the noise in the kitchen stopped and then he nodded sharply.

"Follow me then mate."

I frowned, hugged myself, but kept up. I didn't want to become dinner to any of these bloodsucking creatures and even though I didn't trust Dimitri, he was the only one I did trust. If that made any sense....

We kept on walking and walking and then he paused in front of a door that looked exactly like all the other ones. "This will be your room."

I was surprised, but ecstatic at the same time. "You aren't going to force me to sleep in the same bed as you?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to?"

I shook my head immediately, horrified that I had even asked and opened the door. I shut it closed behind me before he could even say anything else and then locked it. I took a quick scan of the room -nothing fancy. A single twin bed, a small stand with an oversized lamp next to it and a tiny two person table. Nothing else. There was one other door and as I slowly crept to it, hoping no vampire would pop out and bite me. I slowly opened it, wincing when it opened with a creek and almost sighed in relief when no creature came out, but a bathroom was shown. A small bathroom I might add.

I took a deep breath and leaned against the door. 'I don't know if this is working, but I just want to say something. Alex, I'm sorry. I love you and I never meant to do that. Please come and get me. I have something to tell you. So please, come and get-'

"Knock knock," Quinn's voice filtered through and I jumped, opening my eyes. She had her head poking through the slightly opened door and I frowned. Didn't I have that locked? She quickly stepped inside and shoved a key in her pocket before curtsying softly. The blood drained out of my face as she closed the door, leaving us alone.

Oh god. If they had a key, then I wasn't safe. We weren't safe.....

"What do you want?" I whispered, still in my same spot. If she moved an inch more, I would slam the bathroom door on her face and not come out. Hopefully, she didn't have a key for this door too.

She gave me a small smile and held up her hands in a peaceful matter. She then slowly started to remove a big bag from her back that I hadn't seen before. Without breaking eye contact, she set it on the floor.

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