Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


My wolf was annoying me, constantly whining that he needed to go and hunt. I personally hated killing animals, but it keeps my wolf happy for a while, so I let him kill a deer every now and then.

After my dad’s meeting looking at the rogues found close by, I took off to the woods behind the pack house-and let my wolf take over, his mind now targeted on finding a deer or rabbit.

Now the moment my wolf had anticipated-had finally come. He can smell a deer, and man did it smell nice to him.

The deer is up near the lake,’ my wolf told me.

I didn’t need to reply, because I knew my wolf knew my thoughts, it wasn’t necessary to speak, especially when he was too focused on this deer.

As he came into the clearing, we were both aware of the deer, eating some grass gracefully. Just as the deer went down for another bite my wolf pounced on it, rapidly snapping its neck.

Just as he was about to enjoy the deer we both heard a growl to our left. He turned his head to see a female wolf changing to human – and there now stands quite a hot girl, about my age of 18.

I was about to nod at her before she went ballistic at me, “What the hell is your fricken problem!? Were you not aware of me, he was my hunt and you ruined it you idiot. God I will kill you!” She yelled at me, stepping forward and kicking dirt at me.

My wolf did not like the fact that she was kicking dirt at a future alpha, but he let it slide seeing as she was hot.

My wolf let me change back to my human form, so now we were both naked, standing here, but I did the right thing and covered my private.

“I’m sorry, I actually didn’t see you,” I sincerely told her. I’m not usually polite, quite frankly I’m rude as hell, but I’m in a good mood – and this girl may be good to keep in the future.

“Oh um that’s fine,” She mumbled, suddenly going red in the face, as she looked at my body.

“What’s your name sweetheart?” I asked, walking to a tree and changing into random shorts and a shirt, which happen to be there. You find clothes all over the woods from wolves.

The girl gets the same idea and re-appears with a dress on, walking towards me, “My name’s Maggie.”

“I’m Alex,” I smirk.

“So Alex, how do you plan to apologise to me?” She asked a little too arrogant for me.

I stepped forward and started playing with her blonde hair as I replied, “well I’m actually craving a donut, do you want one?”

“A donut,” She began, like she was going to explain she’s on an intense diet, “I suppose I could have one.”


“So just to make conversation, this chocolate donut is delicious,” I told Maggie, as we sat outside the bakery.

“Well my gluten free donut is too,” She replied, nibbling at the end of the un-touched, stupid donut she had chosen.

As I rolled my eyes I began to get a tugging sense in my head, someone from the pack must be trying to contact me.

I suddenly let go of my mind barrier-and all of a sudden there was chaos. Voices screaming, it was terrible.

‘What’s going on?’ I asked the pack in my mind.

For a while all that could be heard was the screams, but suddenly my best friend Tristan replied. ‘Rogues are trying to attack, there demanding to take all our females. Please come quick!’

I let out an angry growl at the thought of the chaos, and the girl Mel, no Maggie seemed to notice.

“Sorry I’m going to have to leave, here’s my number, call me I suppose.”

I flicked her a piece of paper with my number on it as I quickly ran to the pack house, shifting half way to my wolf, to make the journey quicker.


I stood up stage with my father, as he gave his long alpha speech.

“So is everyone alright?” He asked for the fifth time counting.

Grunts and murmurs were heard in retort as my dad nodded in response. Luckily no women were taken. The most problems we had were a few of our males being injured, Tristan including.

As father finished his speech I hopped off the stage, walking over to Evelyn, Tristan’s mate tending to his head wound.

“How are you?” I asked Tristan.

He gave me a sour look as he hissed when Evelyn applied some ointment to his wound.

“If you wince one more time Tristan, I will hit you so hard on your head-you’ll forget your name,” Evelyn was pretty feisty. It would be a lot of effort being he mate.

That’s something I don’t want. A mate. What a bother they are, causing fuss, making sure you only love them. Ugh, I’m the kind of guy that can’t be tied down to one girl it’s stupid.

I suppose that’s why that Maggie chick is appealing. Cause she isn’t mine.


New chapter. I'mm gonna have one chapter Isabella, one chapter Alex.

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