Chapter 13

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Red’s Pov

Alex to started to nibble down my neck, leaving me shivering at his feisty touch, he suddenly made his way up my neck and slowly started sucking but soon enough stopped looking proud at where he branded me. I was too excited to stop Alex I knew I wasn’t ready, for christs sake I haven’t even had my first kiss yet!

“A-Alex sttoop,” I shuddered finally finding my voice.

“A little more,” He mumbled as he continued to nibble my ear.

“No! just stop!” I shoved a panting Alex off me who looked very angry that I stopped him at his work.

“Why we both were enjoying it,” He muttered.

“Because I’m not ready so don’t rush me!” I yelled suddenly angry.

He looked a little shocked at first but then he started giving me his signature smirk which I hated on his handsome face.

“It’s alright babe we both know your inexperienced in this department,” He smirked cockily at me.

“Excuse me,” I stuttered, did he just say that?

“You heard me babe,” He laughed in a voice that definitely wasn’t my mates, but it still hurt.

“You jerk I finally open up to you and you just blow it, you know what? I’m going I don’t need to put up with this shit!” I yelled as I stormed out of his room tears streaming down my face.

“Come back here now Bella!” I heard Alex roar from his room.

“No not until you apologize but for now I’m leaving,” I whispered softly, even though I knew he heard me.

I quickly ran out of his house and started to walk home thinking about what happened and how Alex just turned cruel in an instant.

As I got home it was very late Mum and Dad were probably asleep so I quietly made my way to my room.

As I got into bed the tears started again, and that’s probably how mum found me tear marks on my face.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now