Chapter 7

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Hey everyone

because I haven't uploaded in a while I decided this chapter would be longer than usual sooooooo enjoy!

Annipel xoxo


Reds pov

The next morning I looked horrid! I had bags underneath my eyes and my fringe was stuck straight up and I don’t think it was gonna go down unless I had a shower so a shower I had and let me tell you it was the coldest shower I’ve had in my life!

As I finally got to school (had to walk again because Maggie still wasn’t being a caring sister and taking me in her car) so I had to take the bus, and a lot of guys were hitting on me and it kinda disturbed me.

“Red it’s about time you got to school,” Nicki welcomed me as I rushed to my locker to get my books.

“Sorry its’ just, well long story short Alex was over last night, Maggie somehow pissed him off and I had to calm him down so mum and Maggie realised that I’m his mate, so I got angry at Alex and he got pissed that I rejected him, and to top it all off I couldn’t get to sleep because I’d touched him and needed him,” I yelled at Nicki, so everyone started staring excitedly at us probably thinking it was a couples fight.

“Oh would you all just piss off where not fighting,” I yelled at everyone while throwing my hands up “Wow you are angry, so I think its ok for us to skip school,” He insisted to me while taking my hand and leading me out of the school boundaries.

“Sissy dearest where do you think you’re going you do know that school is for learning and not for ditching,” I heard Maggie say somewhere in the background of other conversations.

“Go away Maggie Red’s upset so can you please just piss off,” Nicki said back to her with a sigh, wow go Nicki!

“Whatever losers, go to your little nerd headquarters,” Maggie sneered, wow Maggie is seriously pissing me off right now.

“Yes well I think they would classify us as hot nerds, and besides as much as you would love to join our group you wouldn’t make the cut, seeing as you have the brain of a snail,” Nicki mocked, and suddenly lifted me up bridal style and started running towards the woods, omg yes we might be going wolf, I haven’t gone wolf in like 2 months.

As we finally reached the very centre of the woods Nicki put me down and went behind a tree and came out as he’s very handsome honey-browned furred wolf, with his clothes in his mouth, yes! We were going running, so I ran behind a tree too and stripped off and transformed into my small red furred wolf.

“Hmm your wolf is so beautiful Red,” Nicki said to me in my head, we could do that because we were both in the same pack called the nox noctis presul which is Latin for night dancers.

“Thanks Nicki, now are we going running or not?” I chuckled while trotting proudly like a model, which made Nicki laugh.

“Yes mum,” he whined.

“Oh yeah, well unlike your mum I’m not going to go easy on you when we have a running running race, which starts now!” I yelled while bolting ahead and sightly hearing Nicki say that I wasn’t being fair, but bolting after me anyway, even though he knew he wouldn’t catch up to me, seeing I was a pretty fast runner.

By the time of 4pm I had beaten Nicki in every single race (even the fair ones) so he kept o whining about how hungry he is, so it seemed fair that we go eat. After we got changed and looked normal we headed out of the woods and went in search of McDonalds, seeing how Nicki was obsessed with their chicken burgers.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now