Chapter 5

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Reds pov

He is the rudest person on this earth! Ugh and I’m his mate? How could he be so mean to me wow I think I actually hate someone, and I’ve never hated someone before, like yeah I’ve had fights with people but never have they gone to the stage where I’ve officially hated them, wow he sure does bring out the bad side in me.

“Red?” Maggie asked me while walking into my room, actually she kind of strode in like she owned the whole place, when she didn’t.

‘’Ow sorry I’m too nerdy too reply to that but if you want me too please call geeks galore,” I replied sarcastically.

“Hey you know I didn’t ask Alex to say that and I’m sorry he did, maybe he just needs time to grow onto you,” she shrugged while sitting down on the edge of my bed with a sad expression on her face, which meant she was truly sorry.

“Fine,” I huffed, “But don’t expect me to be his best friend,”

“Thank you so much, I love you oh and by the way he’s coming over in 10mins and he’s staying the night,” she said in one mouthful, then sprinted out of my room when she saw my your dead to me look.

Well I guess I’ll just have to collect a nights full of food and barricade my door closed so he can’t come and harass me, wow I really hate Alex and the worst thing is he’s my mate.

But baby I’ll still catch a grenade for you, throw my hand on a blade for you, I’ll jump in front of a train for you…….

“Maggie your friends at the door,” Yelled mum, well this is craptastic the idiot they call Alex is here to ruin my night, and it’s Friday too, well that’s no good.

“Coming mum,” replies Maggie as she rushes downstairs.

“Oh Alex come see my room you’ll love it!” chatters Maggie excitedly while what I can hear dragging Alex up the stairs, yeah that’s right Alex suffer my sister for the night you Bastard that’s what you get for being a meanie hehe.

Oh I can’t wait,” Alex says sarcastically, but quickly covers it up with a laugh, hmph he thinks he’s so good but he’s not, well so far he’s not.

“What’s in there?” Alex asks with a little curiosity, I wonder what he’s talking about.

“Oh that’s Reds room do you want to go say hello to her?”

“Yeah let’s go visit the little munchkin,” he says cheekily, oh how dare he call me a munchkin!

Knock knock, oh no there actually visiting my room!

“If its Maggie you may enter, but if it’s that snob Alex you may not enter,” I announce, but no matter they still come marching in to find me lazily sprawled on my bed with my homework scattered around me, almost making a homework angel.

“You comfy there you geek?” Laughs Alex, obviously because I have homework in my room proves to him that I’m a nerd or something, which is seriously weird cause I’m a teenage girl for Christs sake like seriously of course I have homework!”

“Yes Al do you mind if I call you that of course you don’t mind your such a good a little boy aren’t you, anyway off the topic yes I’m immensely comfy thanks for asking you sound so concerned for me, but now could you and Maggie like piss off and go and have tongue wars or something cause I’m very busy right now doing nothing,” I reply showing him, I’m not gonna back down so he should piss off.

“Isabella Holly Nicholson don’t you ever be rude to Alex like that ever again,” Maggie ordered in a threatening tone acting like my mother.

“Yes mum,” I replied cheekily which made Alex chuckle.

“Whatever lets go Alex,” Maggie huffed in defeat while dragging Alex out.

“Bye Al,” I said while saluting Alex.

“Bye geeky Red,” He replied back, oh geeky red how original of him!

“Nice comeback,” I mumbled to myself seeing as they ditched me for a make-out session.

Well that was an uneventful evening I thought to myself, while skipping down the stairs for dinner.

Alex’s pov

Well dinner was very awkward Maggies mother was asking me a million questions and then asked if Maggie and I had done it, I’ll admit it was very funny to see Red spit her coke on Maggie which made Maggie furious, but hey I was amused.

“So Tracey is little Red here a handful?” I asked Maggies mum, which made Red star a game of foot-sees under the table with me.

“Oh yes she can be at times, but then at other times she can be a little angel,” Tracey replied through a mouthful of coleslaw.

“Oh that’s nice,” I reply back.

“Well mum thanks for dinner, so me and Alex are going to go upstairs and hang out, so I’m sure Red can help you wash up thanks mum,’’ Maggie said while grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs, like seriously she’s obsessed with dragging me everywhere.

“What a sister you are,” I heard Red mumble from somewhere downstairs.

Well what a lovely dinner I sighed to myself.



Annipel xoxoxo

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now