Chapter 20

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Moving. It sounded so stupid in my heart right now but in my mind all I want to do is walk away from this monster.

“It’s good to see you,” He spoke casually.

“I wish I could say the same,” I snorted sarcastically, soon slipping back into my old self.

Tyler looked at me shocked. I would probably too if I was him. When he left I became rejected alone and hurt. There was so many times when I tried to commit suicide but Isabella was always keeping a close eye on me. Before he left when I was happy, me and Isabella were practically identical with personalities, I mean yeah I was a total bitch to everyone apart from Tyler and Isabella but that was nice enough for me.

“You’ve changed,” He whispered in his old caring voice. The exact voice made my heart melt.

“Not by choice. When you left I changed, and you know what? It’s not my fault,” I reacted.

“Do you honestly want an explanation on why I left you?” He huffed obviously getting annoyed.

‘Do we want an answer!? Of course we bloody do!’ My wolf screamed at me but I just responded more ‘casual.’


Tyler led me into a quaint little café, where he ordered his same old black coffee and I ordered a hot chocolate.

After the waiter gave us our drinks I finally asked him, “So tell me from the beginning,”

“From the beginning ok,” He whispered probably to himself, “Well it started when you left for boarding school. People started to say stuff, they asked me if I finally ditched that bitch, honestly at first I didn’t get what they were saying but then I realized it was you. I grasped the conclusion that you were only kind to me and Isabella. When I started to get upset Isabella reassured me, over and over and I started to kindle feelings towards her. Wherever we went though I was reminded of you, people would say you’re a bitch and Isabella would stand up for you, and guess what I did? Being the apparent good mate I am I agreed with them. Isabella started to get angry with me and that attracted me more to her. One day Isabella fell asleep in my bedroom when we were watching a movie, I’ll never forgive myself for what I did to her,”

“What did you do,” I whispered softly.

“I, I raped her! And when she woke up I did it again all while she was screaming out for help!” He yelled at me, attracting on goers to look.

I gasped at the thought. All along I thought Isabella was starting rumours about me being a bitch, and I thought she was trying to win over Tyler. Wow I feel so guilty.

“That’s the day I left you know,” He spoke up.

“I couldn’t stand to be around when you came back, even though Isabella said she wouldn’t tell you I felt so god damn guilty.” I stood shocked, staring at Tyler. God he raped Isabella and she never told me, because she just wanted me to be happy. I need to make this right and get Isabella BACK.

Isabella’s POV

My eyes attuned to the poor lighting in the unfamiliar room. I slowly stretched my arms and got out of the bed that I recognized as Jace’s. Thank god he wasn’t here when I woke up.

I tiredly walked down the stair into the large kitchen where Lainey was making breakfast for at least 20 people.

“Good morning Lainey,” I yawned, as I slipped onto a spare stool.

I heard cutlery clatter as everyone snapped their heads to stare at me crazily.

“Why did you bother to speak to the mute?” A woman sneered at me.

“Because she’s my friend,” I shrugged, not really caring about them.

“The mute doesn’t deserve to have friends. She’s just a selfish little sl*t,” Everyone started laughing as the woman jabbed Lainey with her fork.

“I swear to god if you jab Lainey with that fork one more f*cking time, I will personally make sure you have your tongue ripped out, so you can’t speak either,” I growled.

“Yeah? Well I don’t take orders from a little wolfy bitch. Seriously who do you think you are?” She spat in my face.

I heard a growl from behind me, as everyone’s faces became pale. I whipped my head to see Jace standing there, looking like he wanted to rip someone’s head off.

“What were you saying Marley?” He hissed at the woman.

“I uh sa said I um wasn’t gon-na take or-ders from a li-ttle wolfy bitch,” She stuttered nervously.

“Oh well let me enlighten you about this ‘wolfy little bitch.’ First of all this is my mate. Secondly you will have to take orders from her, and thirdly if you threaten or call Isabella names once more I will carry on her threat to rip out your tongue. But trust me, I’ll be very slow and painful,” He growled venomously, I mean c’mon even I nearly pissed my pants from his threat.

“I understand sorry alpha,” ‘Marley’ cried and ran off.

I glared back at Jace as he motioned for me to follow him. I looked back at Lainey and gestured for her to follow me.

We both followed Jace silently as he stalked angrily in front of us. I looked nervously at Lainey who looked just as scared as me.

We finally came to a halt in front of Jace’s office, where he walked in and we followed, wordlessly standing in front of Jace, who was now sitting behind his desk. I laughed on the inside as I thought it was just like Jace was our Principle scolding us for doing something bad.

“Now please someone please tell me what was that about?” He sighed staring at my face longingly.

“They were being mean to Lainey,” I muttered.

“Lainey why were they being mean to you?” He asked softly turning his head to Lainey.

Lainey nervously looked to me trying to send me some message of what she wanted to say, but I don’t think I got it cause all that was in my head was Alex shirtless, hmm wow he’s even hot in my mind. Back to the point though.

“Answer me Lainey!” He gestured at Lainey, who was still trying to give me a message, oh god all the pressure.

“I like hot shirtless guys,” I said randomly. Oh shit well I don’t think that helped.

Jace gave me a WTF look as Lainey let out a soundless laugh.

“Well Isabella we’ll sure to keep that in mind. Anyway Why aren’t you talking Lainey?” He asked curiously practically ignoring my presence. Wow way to win a girls heart there Jace.

“Lainey’s a mute,” I piped up from my lonely little corner.

“Ohhhh,” Jace looked at her like it was the most obvious thing.

“If you give her a piece of paper she’ll speak,” I said.

Jace opened his drawer, and came up with a notepad and a pen. He made a move to give it to Lainey but they both froze when their hands met.

‘Mate’ Both of their wolves screamed at the same time.

“Well this just got happily awkward for me,” I laughed breaking the tense silence.


I hope you all enjoyed that chapter.

I know it wasn’t 30 comments but that’s ok :)

This time could I please try for 30 comments?

Next chapter is gonna involve Alex’s plan to get Isabella back,

So it’s gonna be big!

Enjoy Annipel xxx

ps. I know i'm probaly getting desperate but I really need a

Editor. If anyone could edit this book for me I would repay you (somehow) and really

appreciate it. Thanks!

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now