Chapter 18

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Running seemed like a pleasant drift of idea right now, running until my feet were numb from the stone cold ground that lay under my fragile feet.

Those heart breaking words flew in my usually easy going mind. Wow I got rejected by my mate. It hurt to know that this man before me preferred my sister over me his mate. He chose my sister as though we were both items. Maggie didn’t care though, I did and if he was going to be like that I didn’t want him.

“Why?” I whispered softly.

I heard a sigh coming from someone causally. I peeked up from my red bangs to see the owner was of course Alex.

Alex slowly tried to grab my hand but I flinched from his soothing touch. Deep down inside my wolf was yelling at me telling me to go up to that fine piece of yummy boy and hug him as though he was my lifeguard.

“I was going out with your sister when I found you. I was stunned at first but then rejected you.  Eventually I came to my senses and you forgave me, we were kinda together for a while until you found me in the janitor’s closet kissing Maggie,” He finished with pain in his voice.

I knew deep down inside I shouldn’t forgive this cold hearted boy in front of me but sometimes you have to go on a limb to get somewhere in life, I mean if no one ever took chances there probably would be no electricity  or even internet.

“I know I’m being an idiot right now but I don’t care for what you’ve done. We all make mistake but you’ve just made a shit load more than us,” I sighed and it felt like a bucket load of forgiveness was being lifted off my shoulders.

I was suddenly swept into a big bear hug. Honestly I didn’t care; my wolf instantly agreed with me pleasure sweeping over my fragile body. It was the kind of pleasure that you couldn’t find easily, that’s when I knew I made the right choice.

“Izzy can I ask you something?” Alex muffled into my neck.

“Depends,” I whispered back.

“Can I kiss you?” A kiss. So simple but yet it made my heart beat a mile a minute.

My wolf was ready to pounce on Alex at those words but I steadied her which earned me a whine. I knew a kiss was so simple for mates to do. Some wolves would of mated and produced pups by now but Alex and I were only on stage 1. At that moment though I knew it was the right time.

Instead of answering Alex I gracefully placed my lips on Alex’s soft ones. He responded instantly and kissed me back. This kiss wow it was just magical, even I knew that and I’m a kissing virgin. It wasn’t like those ones in movies, where they do close ups of actors practically eating each other’s faces. No this one was just perfect.

Alex slowly removed his swollen lips from mine and rested his forehead on mine. He smiled down at me, happiness springing of his face. Honestly though my face was probably an exact replica.

“Thank you,” Alex’s soft breath caressed my pink cheeks.

“For what?” Alex leisurely chuckled at my question and pecked my forehead leaving he’s lips there.

I peeked from my red hair to look into Alex’s twinkling forest green eyes as he started to reply, “For trusting me enough to kiss me first,”

I blushed furiously at his response and bit my lip, a habit of my when I’m embarrassed. I heard a loud groan come from my mate. I saw lust rebound of his flushed cheeks as his looked at my plump lips ready to pounce on me presumably. I chuckled on the inside as I realised what got Alex so worked up, so being the awesome person I am I bit my lip and let out a teasing moan.

I slowly looked up from my hair fluttering my eyes trying to look seductive, and from the look on Alex’s face it was working.

“Izzy if you don’t want to be pregnant at 18 I suggest you stop doing that,” Alex growled huskily.

I slowly laughed at how hard Alex was. Wow who knew I had that much power over him!?

“If I was you Isabella I would listen to your weak Alpha,” I heard a manly voice from behind me.

 I whipped my head around to see the owner of the familiar face. I gasped as I saw the man who left on such a dramatic departure.

“Wh what are you doing here?” I stuttered as Alex pushed me behind him protectively.

“Me you speak to? Well silly old me is here to collect their prize. Guess what my prize is? You,” Jace replied.

Yes you heard right Jace.


Wow thanks everyone for the 15 comments I really appreciated it!

Does everyone remember Jace? He was the Alpha at paintball.

Ok now I have a deal. I really want 20 comments it would mean so much to me, so if you can please do that I will upload a 7 pager on Microsoft Word.

The first person to comment I will dedicate to the next chapter, and don’t worry a lots gonna happen in the next chapter, and you’ll meet a new character!


Annipel xxx

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now