Chapter 6

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I'm continuing my story everyone!

Annipel xoxo

Alex’s pov

“Maggie what you want to do?” I asked her, while trying to get in a sexy position on her bed while she stood in the doorway.

“Ugh I can’t believe Red she so wants you, she’s always been jealous of my boyfriends!” she screamed while sitting on the edge of the bed, making it slightly tilted.

“Calm down baby she’s not after me,” I said soothingly while rubbing her back.

“No! Don’t you dare stick up for her you pig if you’re gonna act like that then I think you should leave,” she said while pointing to the door.

“Don’t be like that baby….. “No just leave you idiot I’m not in the mood,” she said so I left, but quickly turned around and spoke softly to her.

“Your so selfish you idiot do you think you can just speak to the son of an Alpha and soon to be Alpha like that,” I harshly said while my eyes turned a dark black.

“Oh no calm down baby don’t turn into your wolf please,” she cried while trying to calm me down, but I shoved her off stupid girl didn’t she know I needed my beautiful Red angel.

“Get Red!” I yelled at her and she simply nodded and hurried away, ugh I hope that I don’t turn wolf.

Red’s pov

“What’s wrong Maggie, has Alex hurt you because if he has, I’m gonna kill him….”

“No it’s all my fault I aggravated him and he’s about to turn wolf, and for some reason he wants you,” she cried so I stood up and guided her to her rom only to see her bed upturned and a hole in the wall, but the good thing was Alex hadn’t turned wolf yet.

“Alex, I’m here,” I soothed while walking in the room to see Alex sitting in the corner.

“Red come here, but that bitch stays there,” he growled while pointing at Maggie, which made her break down in sobs.

“Maggie go get mum and I’ll calm Alex down,” I said while slowly walking over to Alex.

As I said that Maggie rushed off to find mum and I went and slowly sat on Alex’s lap, and slowly Alex’s eyes turned back to his beautiful emerald.

“Red stay with me,” he said and suddenly started crying, wow I’d never seen a boy cry.

“Of course I will,” I spoke softly and leaned back into Alex’s warm chest, and little spark’s went up my back where I was leaning on him.

“Baby don’t leave me,” he whimpered.

“I promise I’ll never leave you,”

“Sweety are you alright,” Mum said while rushing in with Maggie whimpering behind her.

“Yeah mum I’m fine, just had to calm Alex down,” I replied while snuggling into Alex, which he seemed to enjoy.

“But sweetheart how did you calm him down? Only mated can do that to one another……” Maggie cut her in “Oh my f*cking god you’re his mate that’s why he’s always staring at you!” Maggie screamed while accusingly looking at me.

“Yeah but he rejected me for you,” I whispered while remembering how mean Alex was to me, so I hopped off him and stood next to mum.

“Come back here,” he growled dangerously at me.

“Do you honestly think after how mean you were to me that I’m actually going to sit on your lap and act like it never happened? Because if you do you are all wrong!” I screamed while storming off only to hear Alex let out a howl in pain, huh now he knows how I felt when he rejected me.

Maggie’s pov

Well that was unexpected I thought to myself. Why did Red always get my guys? I remember every single time I went out with someone they would always dump me because they said Red was so much hotter than me, and had a better personality, even though she never went out with them because she said that she would never go out with her sisters ex, I always despised her for that she’s such a bitch.

After Alex left and turned wolf outside because of how pissed he was at Isabella (yeah that’s right I’m so angry I’m gonna call her that) me and mum straightened out my room silently and she later excused herself to go to bed so I was left to think about this all and soon enough I went to bed, but before I did heard Red crying, hehe sucked in I knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep now she’d touched him oh poor little Red not!

Reds pov

Sniff sniff why couldn’t I go to sleep? We need him that’s why! My inner wolf shouted at me huh maybe she was right I truly needed him, but you know what? He upset me so much so I wasn’t going to give in just yet, and besides tomorrow him and Maggie will be back to making out so I shouldn’t bother.

Ugh why couldn’t I of gotten a decent mate I thought to myself just as I fell into a sleep with many of nightmares, I knew it was going to be like this for now on.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now