Chapter 17

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Guilt poured over my soul when I found out that Izzy had lost her memory, I knew it was all my fault and that for her safety I should stay away from her but I just couldn’t myself from bringing her home, like a little boy would when he finds a lost puppy.

As these thoughts overwhelmed me I found myself staring at a sleeping angel. Wow she was so beautiful, her high cheekbones, little sprinkle of freckles spread across her cheek, her full rose red lips and her long beautiful eyelashes that curled over her eyes like a curtain.

“Alex, Alex why do you make my heart shatter?” I heard a soft whisper come from Izzy’s dry lips.

That question scared me more than any other question could, I was glad when I realized Izzy was asleep, but deep down inside I know I was to coward to even confront a sleeping Izzy.

Instead of answering the truth I decided on a much simpler answer, “Because I broke your heart so many times,” I whispered softly in Izzy’s ear as I slowly kissed her forehead and slowly left her to sleep in a peaceful slumber away from the monster that caused her harm. Me.


“Alex, Alex why do you make my heart shatter?” I mumbled half asleep to myself.

To my left I felt someone freeze as though they were scared of the question I asked sleeplessly. I heard shuffles as someone leaned over and their lips brushed softly over my ear as tingles shot up my head, “Because I broke your heart so many times,” I heard a soft whisper come from the man that took and shattered my heart so many times. Alex.

Alex suddenly kissed my forehead as he left the room, and then I remembered Alex and a blonde haired girl in a compromising position in the janitors closet, me screaming which startled my mate and the mystery girl, Alex trying to explain to me, then last of all me fainting.

Wow he really did shatter my heart, but now I knew one of the reasons how many more were there, and who was that mystery girl, and why was she so familiar?

All I knew for sure that I wasn’t going to like the answer.

1 hour later……

I found myself carelessly walking down the unfamiliar stairs to a hallway where I followed the voices to a family’s room where there lay an unknown man and Alex.

“Mmmh Alex,” I mumbled softly but I knew both the boys heard it as their heads whipped my way and Alex slowly walked over to me.

“Hey Izzy how you sleep?” Alex asked me softly as he held my hand. I suddenly flinched from his touch as I remembered him and the mystery girl.

“What’s wrong?” He slowly asked me concerned.

“I remember you kissing a girl in the janitors closet which made me forget well everything. Alex who was that girl and why was she so familiar?” My sudden question made guilt seep through Alex’s eyes. That wasn’t the thing that upset me the most though, the thing that did was he didn’t try and hide the guilt with a smile so I knew he was going to tell me the truth.

“Izzy that girl she was the one that I originally rejected you for. You know that girl because that girl she’s you twin Sister Maggie,” He slowly answered me as though he was struggling to find his voice.

And that was the exact moment I knew I should’ve never asked my mate who that girl was. Or to be exact why I got rejected by my mate for my sister.


If you want me to upload quicker can i please get at least 15 comments?

Hey im so sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, but ive been so busy lately! but anyway hope you enjoy!!!

Annipel xxx

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now