Chapter 3

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I'm dedicating this chappie to Billy for being a good friend!

Alex's pov

I was out raged, how dare my own Father tell me I needed to go to school like seriously I was fine being alpha then here he comes acting all big and mighty telling me I needed an education, well you know what Dad education my ass cause I’m not starting school.

“Son I know you don’t want to start school, but it’s going to be your last year anyway and where already half way through the year so think of that as a bonus,” he said softly while giving me a puppy dog look which doesn’t look normal for people his age to do.

“But Dad I don’t want to,” I whined while my inner wolf whimpered softly so Dad didn’t hear.

“Well I was saving this for later but think of all those young ladies strolling around in skinny skirts, “He smirked casually.

“Dad why are you only telling me this now of course I’ll start school,” I said excitedly, while Dad gave into a little chuckle.

“Dunno son, but you start tomorrow at a school called Parkinson high,” he replied while leaving the room.

I was excited I was gonna see so many hot girls tomorrow, maybe I should ring that Maggie chick see what school she goes too.

Maggie’s pov

How dare she! And to think she was my twin sister none the less, well I can tell she’s obviously jealous who wouldn’t be? Like seriously Alex was so hot I thought he was a god and he’s all mine heheh well Red will be sorry she ever fighted with me.

Red aka: Isabella’s pov

Ugh school tomorrow and how am I ever going to get to school cause I’m sure Maggie won’t possibly take me now cause of how I’m apparently jealous of a player I’ve never even met like seriously how did she get that I was jealous sometimes I wonder if that girl she has issues.


Hi everyone i'm like super sorry that this chapter was short but next one will be super long, cause that will be the one where it's Alex's first day at school and where he meets Red so I wanted to put it on chapter and I promise next chapter i'll upload tommorow or the day after.

Annipel xoxoxo

ps. Please comment if you have any ideas for the story ;)

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now