Chapter 8

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Alex’s pov

It had been 2 days since Maggie had pushed my angel down the stairs, and not once have I moved from the side of Izzy’s bed where she lay motionless. The doctors at the pack hospital said that the coma she’s in is giving her enough energy so that when she wakes up she can shift into her wolf, well that’s if she wakes up. You’re probably thinking why she doesn’t just have a broken bone or something, but the reason is that she was weak before the incident and the thing that makes me really sad is that I caused her weakness.

“Alex we really need to talk,” Maggie whispered in my ear, how dare she come so close to me when she’s done this to my baby girl!

“Piss off! Your nothing but an eye sore to me, oh and how dare you come this close to me when you’ve done this to my angel? You know what our relationship is over you bitch,” I snarled back to the freak who hurt her own sister for a guy.

“Come on baby we can work this out we don’t need her let’s run away together and get married!” Maggie responded, while glaring down the small lifeless body that belonged to my mate.

“No! You’ve made me reject my priorities as a mate, just because your mate ditched you doesn’t mean you should take Reds, I’m not ignoring her anymore because I need to give her a good life even if she rejects me!” I yelled back at Maggie which cost me a glance from the nurses.

“I expected better from you Alex I really did,” Maggie snarled and with that she walked away.

I sat back down eventually and realised that I basically just said I wanted to be a full on boyfriend wow I’m changing a lot because of this girl…. Her hand was moving yes! She’s waking up!

“Somebody! She’s waking up!” I exclaimed.

All the nurses looking after Red and her family, except for Maggie came in just as Reds beautiful blue eyes fluttered open and she looked around confused and dazed.

“Whe wher where am I?” Croaked Red, but it didn’t matter her voice was the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard.

“Shh you’re in hospital, Maggie pushed you down the stairs and you were weak so went into a coma,” I said in a soothingly voice while gently squeezing her hands.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be making out with Maggie somewhere?” she snarled while pulling her tiny hand out of my big muscular hand, which made me finch in sadness she thinks I don’t care for her.

“Look nows not the time to argue, let’s just say that I’ve realised how much of an idiot I’ve been to you and I’m sorry, but right now you’ve got to focus on shifting so you heal  faster,” I replied with concern in my voice, wow I’m turning all mushy.

“Whatever, but you have to leave or else I won’t,” she huffed, while cutely crossing her arms over her chest.

“Fine but we need to talk after ok,” I questioned her.

“Whatever,” my Angel sighed, yes she was giving in!

As I left I heard the doctor tell her about the situation and how she really needed to shift or else she can’t heal, wow I’m really scared for my angel.

Reds pov

“So Doc how long do you think I have to shift,” I asked the Doctor nervously.

“Well it would be excellent if you could now, so just try to get angry and shift,” he told me in his official voice.

Ok now to get angry. What should I think of to get angry? Oh I know.


When I got home at 1am I asked Nicki to sleep with me tonight so he said he would, but when we were going to my room we heard some very disturbing noises in Maggie’s room and I knew instantly what was happening, and that just made me lay down on the floor and cry.

“Oh look what the bitch dragged in nerd 1 and nerd 2,” I heard Maggie snicker.

“Get the f*ck away from me you skank,” I screamed.

“How dare you speak to me like that,” she yelled back.

Oh she pissed me now, especially when Alex walked out of Maggie’s room with the only thing covering him was a blanket, oh I was pissed so I stood up to show I wasn’t threatened by her.

End of flashback….

“urgh!” and that was it I shifted into my little red wolf.

“Yes she transformed!” I heard Mum scream excitedely.

“Ok now Isabella you have to stay in your wolf for at least an hour,” I heard a voice say, probably the Doctor.

Ok well maybe I could go for a run, or maybe…..

“Sweety are you ok?” I heard Dad ask in my mind.

“Well I guess I’ll live,” I sighed back.

“We heard what Maggies been doing this whole time, and your Mother and I spoke to her about it but she refused to leave Alex alone so I’m sorry she’s been such a bitch,” Dad informed me, way to go Dad! He called Maggie a bitch.

“Um Dad you just called your child a bitch,” I laughed.

“No I said that Maggie’s acting like a bitch, anyway me and your mum are leaving so rest up kid,” he advised me in his alpha tone, which made me chuckle.

“Yes sir,” I replied sarcastically.

After they left so did the doctor and I was left to my thoughts, as I really didn’t want to the only thing I could dream of was a certain green eyed bastard.


Nothing much happened that chapter so lots gonna happen next chapter.

still hoped you enjoyed it though

Annipel xoxox

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now