Chapter 21

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Isabella POV

“No! This isn’t fair!” Jace violently pushed his desk in anger.

Quite frankly Jace hasn’t been taking the whole ‘finding mate’ thing too good. For the last hour he’s been repeating ‘No! This isn’t fair’ and ‘I can’t have a mute mate!’ over and over. I feel sorry for Lainey though. Since Jace rejected her I’ve been comforting her, while she cry’s soundlessly. 

“I can’t believe it! This isn’t fair!” Jace snarled.

After a bit more of his tantrum, Jace finally sat on the floor and shut up. To tell you the truth it was a bit awkward for me.

“Sweetie why don’t you get cleaned up, and make yourself a nice hot chocolate. I’ll be down in a bit,” I whispered in Laineys ear.

She stumbled out of the room as I scooted closer to Jace who was now breathing frantically.

“Why did you do that?” I asked silently.

“All my life I’ve been trying to be the perfect Alpha. I was until I realized this pack needed a Luna. When I started to get lonely I went in search for my mate. The first time I layed my eyes on you I had to have you, so I found out where you were staying, kidnapped your brother and bam, I got you. You could never make me happy though, you’re in love with your mate and that’s how it should be. Naturally. Why can’t I have love?” He sniffled as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

“You can have love. With Lainey. I know you probably rejected her because of your pack, but stuff them. If they see the love you have for her, they’ll respect her for their Luna, voice or no voice.” I whispered softly stroking Jace’s hair.

“Do you think so?” He hesitated.

“Sometimes in life, we should deal with what nature intended to happen.” I stood up and left as those words left my mouth, never once looking back.

That night I comforted Lainey. Never once did I speak, we just sat there hugging tears streaming down our eyes. Lainey was broken and you could tell. I think she finally accepted she would never have a Prince that would rescue her on his white Stallion; he would tell everyone here that made her life a living hell that he’s taking his baby far away. That’s the night we both realized happiness will never come easily.

Alex’s POV

I lay there soundlessly staring at my bedroom roof. I felt enclosed, like a circus animal in a cage. I needed her touch to free me, save me from this lonely feeling I had, springing at my every action.

Aaron and I have plans. We are going to rescue her in five days. Aaron has gotten his pack to come help too, so that should make a big difference.

These days have been hell, every time I go out in public I feel dizzy, whenever I see a woman with Red hair I hug her yelling ‘Izzy your back!’ of course half the town thinks I’m a Looney bye now, but I couldn’t give a f*ck anymore.

No one approaches me anymore. They all know I’ll just tell them to fuck off.

I need my angel back.

Isabella POV

I sat there wordlessly. This morning Jace came in my room demanding to speak to Lainey. So that’s where they are now speaking in his office.

It’s has been an hour and I have heard no yelling. The only thing I have heard is hushed speaking and the scribbling of paper.

I start playing with my fingers when they both come out, equally grinning as mad as eachother.

I squealed in delight when I spotted a wolf tattoo on Laineys neck, this is wonderful, he marked her.

“Uh Isabella, Lainey wants me to say I’m sorry,” Lainey nudged Jace, “And that Lainey and I offer to drive you home, bearing an apology for your mate.”

“You guys are gonna take me home,” I whispered.

“Yep! Oh and Lainey just said that you and her still have to catch up,” He finished.

“Thankyou guys!” I cried, and collected them into a group hug.

I was finally gonna see Alex.

2 hours later in the car…

“Are we there yet?” I asked cockily. Lainey started to soundlessly laugh as Jace glared at me.

“Isabella, I love you and all, but if you ask me one more time I’m going to grab that plastic bag off the floor and strangle you,” He said trying to hold back a smile.

“Oooh look rain!” I said excitedly looking out the car window.

“Lainey said that how easily you are amused, is adorable!” Jace said cheekily.

“Hey rain is cool, you’re just jealous that you don’t get to hit people on the head, like rain does,” I defended myself, and the rain.

“Yup I’m just so jealous,” Jace laughed sarcastically.

“Thought so…”I muttered.

I stared back outside again getting excited when I saw Alex’s house in the distance.

Here I come Alex!

Alex’s POV

My head. Oh god it’s all tingly. And my body it’s getting tingly too.

‘Look outside, a car just parked. It has something you need in it,’ my wolf whispered.

I bolted downstairs and opened the door. All I could see was red. That red, oh where have I seen that red. Izzy’s hair!

“Izzy?!” I screamed.

And that’s when I saw her head whip towards my direction. Oh that face how I’ve missed it.

I ran towards her and picked her up. She squealed in delight and nuzzled her head in my neck. I stopped swinging her and brought my forehead to hers.

“I missed you so much,” She cried, hugging me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Missed you too,” I whispered.

“Kiss me baby girl,” I said huskily.

Without hesitation she slammed her lips to mine. Oh god how I’ve missed those lips. Izzy slowly removed her lips from mine smiling cheekily.

“A corny ending, with a perfect kiss in the rain. Is always the best,” She laughed, as for I carelessly joined in too.

No more hassles, no more crying, just happiness with here on out. All with this red angel, that’s laughing cheekily in front of me. Life is just wonderful.

The End.


Wow it's finally finished.

I really hope everyone enjoyed the story!

I will upload the epilogue shortly.

And! if you want a sequel just say so.

You can also say what you want the sequel of too!

Thanks so much for reading!

Annipel xxx <3

ps. Please watch the video, it's a beautiful cover!

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now