Chapter 15

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I watch Bella sleep in an endless coma. Guilt seeped through me, never leaving me once. I know I have no excuse for what I did, but I know that Bella should know what really happened.


“Alex I need to talk to you,” Maggie dragged me into the janitor’s closet without waiting for my answer.

I honestly didn’t know what Maggie had to say to me. For instance she could be truly sorry, and might be trying to apologizing, or she was trying to get back with me.

“You have 2 minutes Maggie,” I sighed as I pulled my hand through my tussled hair.

“I came to apologize that I pushed Isabella down the stairs, but I’m not sorry that I ever slept with you. And I’m not sorry for about what I’m about to do,” She suddenly pounced on me, and made the door fall down.

“Maggie get off me!” I yelled at Maggie, but she didn’t budge.

Instead of answering me she started to kiss me. Wow I haven’t kissed anyone in a while, so naturally I started to kiss her back.

“Oh Alex you were smart coming back to me,” Maggie moaned.

“Hmm yeah baby,” I said huskily.

“Noooooooo!” I heard someone scream.

I quickly detached myself from Maggie and saw Bella had screamed, oh no she saw!

“Izzy I didn’t mean to,” I said sincerely.

It looked like Izzy was trying to say something, but at that moment she blacked out and hit her head pretty bad. Before I could get there her head started gushing out with blood. I rushed to her side and ran outside cradling her in my arms; all I could care about right now was getting my angel to the nearest hospital.

End of flashback….

“Son I think you should go home, you’ve done enough damage to Isabella,” A middle aged man probably Izzys dad said to me.

“Could you at least tell me why she’s in a coma? I mean she only hit her head,” I know I sounded panicked but I could care less, my angel was in danger and I wasn’t even allowed to stay, how unfair.

“Well because she got out of hospital, and she got a concussion from hitting her head so hard, the Doctors thought it would be best if she was in a coma for a while,” He patted me on the back as though to say it’s time for you to leave now.

“Good bye my red angel,” I whispered in a sleeping Izzys ear, and slowly caressed her forehead.

I slowly looked around her room one more time and left. Out in the hall way someone was calling for me to wait, I looked around to see Maggie beside me.

“Alex baby I think we should run away together now,” She said in a sweet voice, well it didn’t sound too sweet.

I think I had finally lost my nerve with Maggie. “Maggie f*ck off! Just because you want me doesn’t mean you can have me! I know it’s kinda not your fault that Izzy saw me, but I’m sick and tired of you chasing after me. Don’t you understand? I’m not your mate! I’m your sisters. Just because things didn’t work out with your mate doesn’t mean you can ruin your sister’s chance! So leave me the hell alone!” I roared at Maggie. At that I ran out of the hospital and transformed into my wolf. I just ran and ran trying to get Maggie and a little ill Izzy out of my mind. The only thing I had in my mind is that I don’t deserve Izzy, maybe I should die.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now