Chapter 16

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Light illuminated through my drowsy eyes. A large hard hand supported mine, but that wasn’t what got me thinking where am I?

“Everyone she’s awake!” I heard a feminine voice exclaim and soon enough I was surrounded by more people, all looking at me with concern.

“Where am I?” I managed to croak out.

“Sweetie don’t you remember you hit your head and Alex rushed you to hospital,” That name Alex who is he? The name though when she said it my heart shattered, what had he done to me?

“Who’s Alex? Who are you? And who are all these people?” I asked not caring I was raising my voice.

“Sweetie I’m your mum, and that’s your Dad,” She pointed at a middle-aged man, “And there’s Nicki your bestfriend and his mate,” She finished pointing at Nicki and Annabel, wait I remember them.

I remember when me and Nicki were little having mud fights and making mud-cakes trying to sell them. I remember Nicki and me at the primary school disco dancing together happily. And most of all I remember Nicki looking at Annabel for the first time realizing that’s his mate.

“I remember you Nicki and Annabel,” I mumbled to myself, but I knew they heard me because there all werewolves. Yes I remember where shifters all of us.

The lady that was my mum started to sob furiously screaming it wasn’t fair that I remembered them, but not my own mother, I thought that it was unfair to but I couldn’t help it.

The door suddenly slammed open revealing the most handsome boy I had ever met, but yet when I looked at him it caused my heart pain. What the hell is happening?

“Izzy I’m sorry about what I did and I’m here to explain what happened,” he announced as he strided to the side of my bed and took my hand in his which made little jolts of electricity come up my arm in pleasure.

I looked closely at this boy and sure enough I remembered one simple detail, “You’re my mate,”

He looked at me confused then turned around to the man who was hugging my hysterical ‘mother,’ “What’s wrong with her?” He asked ‘Dad.’

“She lost her memory when she hit her head. She can only remember Nicki and Annabel, also that you’re her mate,” The man explained to my mate.

My mate looked shocked for a while then he turned back to me, “Izzy do you want to live with me for a while?” He asked me nervously.

Live with this hot boy wow, wait don’t I live with him if where mates? “Of course,” I replied without a second thought.

“NO! She cannot live with you! Alex you ruined her life!” Mum screamed at my mate whose name is Alex.

“Yes she can! She’s my mate!” He roared at my mother.

My head suddenly started to hurt as I hissed out in pain, this made everyone look my way and Alex’s face soften.

“What’s wrong my red angel?” He asked me as he picked up my hand and drew circles on it with his thumb.

“My head hurts. Can we go to your place so I can rest?” I whimpered softly.

“Of course, let me just sign you out,” He gently kissed my head as he walked out of the room to obviously sign me out.

“Sweetie come home with us,” My mother convinced me, but I just shook my head.

“No mum what’s the point if I don’t even remember you, I’m sorry just let me stay with Alex for a while,” I whispered.

Mum looked at me one more time before she stormed out of the room dragging dad with her.

I looked back at Nicki and a shocked looking Annabel, “Hey guys,” I smiled weakly.

“Hey Red,” Nicki and Annabel said together.

“I you’d want you can both go, I mean cause you know Alex is coming to get me,” I persisted.

“Alright but we’ll see you soon,” Nicki slowly got up and kissed me on the head followed by Annabel who hugged me. As they left Alex came in.

“C’mon babe let’s get you home,” He slowly picked me up bridal style and walked out of the room all the way to a car which I suppose was his. He slipped me in the passenger seat as he drove silently to a giant mansion.

“Where here Izzy,” He whispered as he picked me up once again and carried me up to his room.

He slowly put me on the bed and tucked me under the covers. He was about to leave when I grabbed his hand, “Please sleep with me, I feel so much more peaceful when your around,”

He looked at me uncertainly for a moment but sure enough he hopped in beside me and wrapped his strong arms around me.

“Sleep well,” He whispered in my ear.

“Always when you’re here,” I whispered back just before sleep consumed me.        


Hope you enjoy!!!                                                             

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now