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Isabella’s POV

The sun shined vigorously down on all our heads. There weren’t much of us today, but there was still enough overall. Today is officially a year since the death, a year since we lost someone important to our hearts.

Officially her death happened a week after Jace took me home, but her body was only found a week ago, well what was left of her body.

It was suicide. I didn’t know she would ever turn to that option, apparentely in what she wrote on the letter she wanted to help and that was the only way.

I gratefully looked up at Alex. Today he’s supported me and the baby so much. Yes you heard right baby. Originally Brady wasn’t planned but that one night we didn’t use protection, was the night our life’s changed for the best.

Alex hugged my side as I teared up at the speech Mum was giving. She was talking about how we all never expected this to happen, I guess you don’t really know what goes on in someone’s mind.

‘Your speech is next. You ready angel?’ I heard Alex ask me, through our mind link.

My heart started to beat frantically, was I ready? Could I really go up there and talk about it?

‘I’ll go up there with you Izzy’ I looked up at Alex; he would really do that for me?

‘No this is something I need to do on my own’ I replied giving Alex a peck on his kissable lips.

Alex let out a little laugh at my response, which I questioned with eyebrows raised.

‘It’s just what you said, do you know how many movies I have seen where people have said that?’ He laughed quietly.

‘Shut up, you have said plenty from movies’ I whispered stubbornly.

‘Name one…’ Alex got cut-off from Mums announcement.

“And now my daughter is going to come up and say a few words,” She smiled down on me.

I gulped loudly as I got out of Alex’s grip, and started to waddle up to the stage.

“Um hi,” My voice cracked, as I looked down at all the pitied faces.

My gaze fell upon Jace’s and Laney’s. I was so excited when Jace proposed to her, and I got to be the maid of honour! Jace’s pack though didn’t approve of a mute Luna, but Jace put them all in their place, which I was happy for.

I started to nervously speak again as people started to cough awkwardly, “Today is the day a very important person will be remembered for who she was, and not what people thought she was.”

I looked frantically at Alex, as he gave me the thumbs up. Ok I can do this.

“People thought she was a bitch, someone who wanted everything. Half the time people were just making cruel guesses, the other half that’s what she tried to pull off. In my perspective she wasn’t any of that. She was stubborn, annoying, protective and happy. Overall though she was a loyal kind person. I think she would like us to remember her death as helping us, my opinion is it just made it worse, because I miss her so much,” I choked, tears freely falling down my face.

‘I can’t finish this Alex’ I cried through our mind link.

I looked desperately at Alex to see him running towards the stage and taking me in his arms.

“Finish it for her,” He whispered in my ear, holding me tightly.

I looked back at the crowd and found Aaron and Elena holding each other with tears in their eyes. Aaron smiled at me with pride in his eyes. I’ll finish the speech for her and him.

I stood up straighter and looked at the crowd face on, “She always liked to go out with a bang and that’s what I think we should give to her. Everyone get your crackers ready.”

Everyone took their fire-crackers from under the seat, and got them prepared.

“So if you’re listening from heaven, we all want to say thanks for letting us know you in all a different way, and now you can finally leave with a bang,” at my final words everyone set off their crackers.

It was beautiful. There was sparks everywhere, exploding in the sky and dazzling in the sun rays.

“Good bye Maggie,” I whispered.

I left it at that. What Maggie deserved and what she never got. Not even from her cruel mate that didn’t even show up at her funeral, no he was too busy mourning over her death. In the end Maggie did leave the way she would of wanted. And that is loved.

The End.



I hope you all like what I did here! In a sad way though :’(

There will be a sequel either on Maggie and Tylers life when they first met, or still Alex and Izzy or the last choice is Jace and Lainey, tell me your opinion!

Thanks for reading everyone and I really hope you enjoyed this story!

Annipel xxx

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now