Chapter 10

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Alex’s pov

My heart was burning from rejection. I know I deserved it but I thought it wouldn’t hurt, but you know what it hurts like hell and I just want it to stop.

I’ve been to Izzy’s house a lot but her mum and dad tell me to leave instantly so of course I do. Sometimes I wish Izzy could get a better mate, you know someone like that nerd that always hangs around her, and then maybe she would be happy.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and I’ve decided that I’m going to break our bond so that my red angel can be happy. You’re probably wondering how the hell am I going to break our bond, well from what I’ve heard of it’s never been used but there’s this myth called Shiraki the great and it goes like this:

Once there was a handsome young boy of the age of 12. He was strong and determined and for many years he trained to battle his father and take lead of his father’s pack the wolves of silva, which was Latin for wolves of the forest. One day he challenged his father for the position of alpha and after many bloody hours he finally won. Eventually he combined all the packs surrounding his border and became more powerful than any other Alpha. One day while hunting he saw a she-wolf in the woods and instantly fell in love with her, as he knew that she was his mate and once she saw him she realised too. He didn’t want a mate so went to a witch doctor and he told them the situation so they made him a potion that’ll make them un-mate so of course he drank it and the very next day he went and visited his mate and felt nothing for her. Eventually their pack went into war and well the very next day he found his mate dead and felt nothing. And that was how he grew old lonely.

I mean I know I’ll probably never settle in with someone but if it’s gonna make Izzy happy then I’m gonna make sacrifices like that, maybe first I should try to make her like me yes I will.

Red’s pov

I was depressed a lot and well I haven’t moved from my bed for a week, well that was until mum said she was sending someone upstairs for me.

“Who is it,” I croaked from under my sheets.

Whoever it was obviously didn’t get the idea that maybe it would be polite to knock first because here they came and they sat on my bed! Seriously personal space much?

“Hey Izzy its Alex,” No! He can’t be here not now when I’m depressed about him.

“Go away,” I cried.

“Just hear me out angel,” He whispered.

“Fine,” I sobbed softly so he wouldn’t hear me, even though I think he did.

“Look I know I’ve basically ruined you and I know it was so wrong of me to sleep with your sister and I have no excuses because I shouldn’t of done it, but when I saw you I thought I was so lucky to have a beautiful, bubbly little red angel all to myself, but I got scared you wouldn’t like me so I slept with Maggie only once and well I felt so bad so I broke up with her and now I’m here to apologize and I know it’s gonna take ages for you to fully forgive me if you choose to, and if you do I will be the best boyfriend and I will take you wherever you want and I will not leave your side once so please forgive me,” He begged with fear in his eyes and the look he was giving me I knew he meant it.

“You hurt me so much and I’m not gonna forgive you or be your girlfriend yet, but I will give you a chance, and if you sleep with any other girls god help you Alex,” I managed to choke out, just as he picked me and set me on his lap hugging me like there was no tomorrow, and you know what? I enjoyed to be hugged like that.

“Thank you so much you won’t regret it Izzy,” I smiled as he gave me a nickname heh no one’s ever called me Izzy.

“Alex can you sleep with me for a while, I know I just forgave you but I haven’t slept for basically a week and I heard that people sleep better when there with their mate,” I mumbled hoping he wouldn’t laugh at me or something.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now