Chapter 14

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This is my christmas pressie to you guys! Merry Christmas!



My eyes adjusted to the light as I stretched in the early morning. I started to remember the events of last night, and it once again became hard for me to not cry. I slowly made my way to the bathroom where I had a shower to get rid of the bags under my eyes. Once I was done I put on my purple ripped jeans and Blink 182 singlet top.

“Good morning,” I yawned as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

“Morning,”  Mum replied, “What happened to you yesterday?”

“I had fight with Alex,” I quickly dodged the subject as I awkwardly left to walk to school.

I tried to take as long as possible by taking the long way, but it still came quick as I came to a halt outside of the large school. I tried to reason with myself, maybe he won’t be here today, or maybe he’ll try to dodge me. I slowly walked into the crowded corridors and made my way to maths as quick as possible.

“Ah good morning Isabella,” My maths teacher directed at me.

“Good morning Mrs Westner,” I mumbled as I took a spot at the back of the classroom.

To take up time I started sketching nothing particularly, but when I was finished I had drawn a girl laying in a daisy field crying, and her wavy hair surrounding her. I put my book back as the bell rang to signal class starts, soon enough all the kids came in and took spots, soon enough Nicki came in and took a spot next to me.

“Where’s Annabel?” I whispered to Nicki.

“Sick, now what’s wrong Belli-bear?” He asked me with concern in his voice.

“Now’s not the time to discuss it,” I mumbled as I stood up and excused myself to go the toilets.

On my way there I could hear a couple in the janitors basement getting very heated, but that’s not what made my heart break.

“Oh Alex you were smart coming back to me,” Maggie moaned.

“Hmm yeah baby,” Alex said huskily.

I couldn’t care that I screamed out at that moment or that Alex came rushing out with a guilty look on his face.

“Izzy I didn’t mean to,” He said sincerely.

I would’ve replied to that but at that moment my body decided to black out. Great! (note the sarcasm)

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now